Hi There, this is AquamanIbiza, a new member as of his morning and arrived here trying to find a solution to my problem. For the past 5 years, possibly following a motorbike accident in Goa I have had pain in right arm and shoulder. To be specific there seem to be 2 points in the centre of the right arm Deltoids and trigger point pain in the lower scapula. As described by the originator of this thread, pain on raising, holding my right arm with elbow bent and a general feeling of weak musculature in this region. it is particularly vexing as my work as a Watsu Practitioner requires me to support people in our pool, with my right arm in this raised bent position. I have had many sessions with Physiotherapists, masseurs, Cranio Sacral, et al but never seem to come up with a solution. Currently I am doing joint mobility exercises (Scott Sonnon) but after 3 weeks the pain seems to be getting worse. in all other aspects I am fit and well, not over weight and very active. I wonder whether a CT scan might reveal ome clues as the best way forward. see Watsu Ibiza - Water therapy pool Thanks in advance for any help.