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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 21, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 4-5 months, Symptom Behaviour: Seems to be constant, but i don't dare kick a ball to find out!, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Neither, Aggravating Factors:: Sitting extensively with my legs tucked under my chair (like being sat at the pc), Easing Factors:: baths, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: none

    No idea what is going on with my thigh...

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hi guys/girls, apologies for having to come and post my problem on a forum but any responses or suggestions would be much appreciated. Also while im on apologies, i know like..no terminology so bear with =)

    About 10 months ago i thought id pulled my muscle in my thigh playing football, it was incredibly painful to put weight on it, kind of a piercing pain. I didnt play football for ages, only cycled quite alot. But then a weekly football thing started and when shooting a ball i again got the horrible piercing pain which stemmed up to the top of my inner thigh but was predominately like..i dunno, in the leftish side of the middle? Seemed to be protruding and firmer than my left thigh.

    From there i quite stupidly did not rest it, i carried on cycling because it didnt hurt, and it was hit at miss playing football at the weekends for a while as to whether it would hurt or not. Eventually it became so regular, and despite my foolish attempts to mask it in deep heat i couldnt kick a ball without that pulled or kinda torn pain.

    I went to my doctor 4 weeks ago and he said i should rest it, no cycling etc for a month. That its probably pulled and ive not given in chance to heal or starting to tear, in which case if i carry on using it i can make it worse. So here i am a month later, and really hope to play fball at the weekend since im going insane doing nothing physical.
    I did a few thigh stretches and its gutting but i can feel like a toned down version of the same pain i have in football, it dosent hurt so much...but its making itself known.
    Cylcled to college today, which is literally like 5 minuets and again, it dosent hurt but i can definitely feel a difference, its more like a really subtle throbbing.

    I really have done like nothing with it over the month, other than pretend im aiding the healing the process by having baths :/ im kind of worried as to what this could be because of how much i rely on my leg, i hope that my weeks of deep heating the problem will not result in any long-term issues!

    I know this information is pretty vague but any comments as to what could be going on would be much appreciated!
    Playing at the weekend will be the big test i guess.

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    Re: No idea what is going on with my thigh...

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Sounds to me like a quads tear, perhaps of rectus femoris which is the central quad. It is used a lot when kicking a ball but ot so much when cycling as the hip is rather flexed making that muscle become more slack. When you straighten the left and contract your quads in standing can you feel any void or bump in the muscle. If so this would indicate a tear. A good physio should be able to assess the probability and it can be confirmed via ultrasound scan or Wikipedia reference-linkMRI. I would ask someone at least to send you for that type of investigation. Some physio's may even be able to scan it for you

    Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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