Hi for the past almost year now i have had chornic neck musclelar pain and i cannot seem to get it to heal or fix it always seems to get worse and never goes away, i have been to physio tons of times and they give me stretches like side to side roatation, ear to shoulder, cat camel exercise. But these usually just make the pain worse, for exmaple when i do the roatation side to side or ear to shoulder it will feel almost like a tearing burning pain/sensation and it may go away after about 15 min but then a couple hours later my neck/shoulder/between shoulder blades will be excruating pain. Every stretch i seem to do makes it worse, i have had xrays,MRIs, Bone scans and all have came back negative. I think it all started from years of sitting infront of a computer with bad posture, i used to be obese so i was pretty lazy and just sat all day pretty much and in the last year i lost alot of my weight, i just want to get better but everything seems to make it worse and no one seems to be able to help me or tell me whats wrong. In my opinion it seems like chornic trapzius damage but im not a specialist its just my opinion. Ill show you where the pain is mostly. I cannot even look down without pain in the area, i wear a cervical collar if i have to do anything that involves looking down to keep it from getting to bad.
The green area is where i feel most of my daily pain. When i do the cat/camel exercise when i go upwards i feel burning/tearing all in my neck/shoulders. Im really stuck im trying to get better but all the stretches make it worse it seems. I bought a cervical pillow to sleep on to help and i cannot even lie on my back with one it will pain in that area. Any ideas?
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