
My name is Anne-Marie, I am 24 years old and live in Western Australia.

After persistent sciatic pain for 8 weeks my back spasmed two weeks ago. I experienced left leg numbness/pins and needles down the outside of the same leg and foot that is still present today. I also have nill plantar reflex in said leg. I intermittently have excruciating cramps in my calf and posterior thigh despite the Diazepam the Drs have proscribed.

I have since had an Wikipedia reference-linkMRI that shows a 7mm herniation of the L5/S1 vertabra impinging on the S1 nerve root and Thecal Sac.

The top Orthapaedic Spinal Specialist in the state tells me i need urgent surgery or i risk permanent loss of function/paralysis of the affected muscle.

I'm only 24 and the surgery will cost me $10,000.00 if i want the best surgeon to do it. I'm hesitant but the consequences as stated to me seem pretty serious.

Until these last few weeks the most serious illness i'd ever had was an ear infection and the only musculoskeletal issue had been persistent shin splints since i was around 17.

If any one could offer me a little guidance it would be greatly appreciated as there seems to be a lot differentiation in the research/journal articles i've found o the internet.

Thank you for your thoughts and your time,


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