Age: 24, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 10 weeks, Symptom Behaviour: remaining constant - possibly worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): In the evening, especially after i've been sitting, Aggravating Factors:: Sitting, walking for long periods of time, Easing Factors:: Analgaesics/muscle relaxants/hotpacks/lying flat on my back, Investigations: L5/S1 7mm herniation protruding on Thecal sac and S1 nerve root, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, Medications: diazepam, naproxen, panadeine forte, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: Never sought treatment for sin splints and they never really made sense to me as i thought only runners and professional athletes get them, neither of which i am!