Brief Medical History Overview
3 Weeks post op ACL reconstruction/Meniscus repair - opinions/suggestions please

Hey I'm new here, and figured I would provide some history to put my situation in perspective.
I orginally had a partial ACL tear 6 years ago to my right knee. I was able; thanks to physical therapy, recover to about 95% full use of my knee. This past year I finished it off. My ACL was completely torn and my
meniscus required repair as well. I'm sure 6 years of use with my injury led to other complications. I decided to go with the Hamstring graph and had the surgery May 25th.
My Dr. updated me that during the surgery he noticed high amounts of "scarring" on my hamstring and I had excessive bleeding from my hamstrings during the graph.
Current situation:
I have absolutely 0 pain in the joint area, only have tightness in the front patella area during flexion. The knee feels stable, however I am still on crutches and when I apply my weight to the joint I have discomfort which im sure is from the meniscus repair. I am comfortable currently at the state of ACL recovery.
However; Flexion is only about 65 degrees.
I have high amounts of pain which feels to be orginating I believe from the Bicep Femoris or behind my knee more towards the outside. This pain is present at night, during rehab, and is at times sensative to the touch. I feel these issues are slowing my overall ROM recovery.
I wanted to get some opinions of my current situation and if anyone has had or heard of similiar situations. I am sure this is more of a mental comfort thing for me, but I have been getting restless over the idea of any corrective surgery due to lack of Flexion and scar tissue. I appreciate your time and effort. Thanks
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