Age: 43, Female, Presenting Problem Since: one year, Symptom Behaviour: a little worse, unable to get up stairs without assistance., Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): nightime is the worse, as when tired my legs just wont work, and if I try to walk into the garden my legs hurt all the time, on the thighs, it feels like I have walked up loads of stairs, when I havent, Aggravating Factors:: walking, heat, and tiredness, Easing Factors:: doesnt take it away, but helps a little with the pain, Investigations: had MRI, of brain and spinal cord with normal results, evoked potentials test, all normal results, and Lumber puncture, with normal resutls. Due to have a MRI of lumber region as I have a neurogenic bladder and they cannot find the cause, I am on 150mg o, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, Medications: 150mg amitriptiline 100mg gabapentin, to increase slowly to, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, Bowel & Bladder: self catherisation used as do not feel when bladder is full, been diagnosed with neurogenic bladder, Other Info: asthmatic, anxiety, underactive thyroid
I am due shortly to be assessed by the neurophysiotherapists, and the treatment is intense, and I have to stay in hospital for one week.
I have neurological symptoms, weakness hand and leg, tingling, and very bad balance. Have hadMRI of neck and Spinal cord, due to have MRI of lumber region, as have neurogenic bladder and they do not know the cause.
Could you tell me what kind of neurophysiotherapy do you think I will be having, and wondering why I have to stay in hospital for a whole week
Thank you
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Hard to say specifically, but I have just finished a 5 week placement in neurology, and it takes about a week to fully assess someone new. I should imagine that the physios will be putting you through a number of tests and exercises to help build a picture of your abilities. How this will tie in with your overall treatment is impossible to say without knowing you and what the plans for your stay are.