Age: 46, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 3 weeks, Symptom Behaviour: Pain is worse, foot/lower leg in cast., Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Most of the time has been worst first thing in the morning and later in the evening, but last couple of days has been more painful through the day., Aggravating Factors:: Too much moving around I suppose, even though non-weight bearing - lowering of foot from elevated position., Easing Factors:: Moving leg into a more comfortable position, not always successful., Investigations: Details in post above, Avulsion fracture to cuboid, fracture of fibula and told bone chipped off on inside of ankel where two bones collided, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, Medications: Thyroxine 150mcg and pain killers occasionally for ankle pain., No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: Had acute osteomyelistis in same foot at age 8 and again at 17yrs.
Three weeks ago whilst out walking the dogs I twisted my ankle over into a hole. Excrutiating as it was I had a mile and half to walk back home. The ankle was extremely swollen to the point my ankles had disappeared. I had an X-ray later in the day and was told I had an avulsion fracture to the cuboid and put into a temporary back-plate cast. A week and another X-ray later showed a fracture to the fibula just above ankle and a piece of bone chipped off to inside of ankle where two bones had collided. (Sorry not given any more info than that). So at that point a total of three "fractures" plus associated ligament damage. I am now at the end of week three with follow up at fracture clinic in four days time.
I have been non-weight bearing from day one and have spent most of the past three weeks with foot elevated. If it is down for more than 5-10 minutes the toes turn purple, which I am told is normal / restricted blood flow due to swelling. The pain in the past two to three days however has been increasing from it being manageable during the previous weeks.
Q: Is this due to swelling masking the pain and is now reducing, so pain increasing?
Early during wk 2 I had a burning sensation for a few days in the bone below my little toe, similar to the burning senation in the fibula. After elevation for 30 / 40 minutes this area and toe goes numb. I had bruising to both sides of ankle and on top of my foot down to the 3rd to 5th toe.
For the past two days I have had a heavy, dull pain through the base of my foot, through the heel and going up the back of my calf (midway). And in the foot below the three toes, which are now stiff/painful to move
Q: Is this nerve damage or possible other fractures?
Background info: At age 8 I had acute osteopmyelitis and came close to having my foot amputated. The bone marrow was drained, bones scraped and fluid drained from the foot followed by four weeks in plaster and antibiotics. This condition re-occured at age 17 but was caught early and treated with antibiotics. I have always suffered with "weak" ankles and have twisted them on numerous occassions, generally whilst running.
Any reassurance welcome.
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