Age: 22, Male, Presenting Problem Since: A year, Symptom Behaviour: Much worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Constant, Aggravating Factors:: Movement, Easing Factors:: Nothing, Investigations: X-Ray of pelvic region, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: Receiving treatment for low testosterone levels
Apologies in advance for a long post...
Anyone here ever had to have treatment for some sort of pelvic dysfunction or can advise me on what to do? Over a year ago, I started noticing things didn't seem quite right with my alignment, and I was very prone to injury in lower limbs (tibial stress fracture, IT band syndrome and chondromalacia patellae.)
For as long as I can remember I've had difficulty with rotation of my left leg (when seated, I can't drop it down outwards to floor,) and so for months and months have been working on improving hip motility and lower-body flexibility (everything from foam-rolling to motility drills to hour-long stretching sessions) but seem to have made little progress.
If I'm honest, things seem to have gotten worse- I can suffer from extreme lower back pain (right down near base of spine) and things seem to extend right through into the upper half of my body (issues with rotation/limited movement/uneven positioning of shoulders, insane muscle tightness.) The tightness of muscles persists regardless of how much stretching or myofascial release I perform. I can get severe lower back pain from sitting, even for brief periods, and my SI Joint is painful (particularly during lumbar extension.)
I've done a load of research to try and identify what the problem could be, but have been overwhelmed with the amount of different suggestions- everything from a rotated pelvis tosacroiliac joint dysfunction, to a leg-length discrepancy, to a malformation in the ankle. My work in the gym has suffered more and more- I can barely squat or deadlift anymore because I can't find a firm, balanced position, and benching has began to suffer (due to uneven shoulder blades.)
Some days I feel so off-balance, I can't walk in a straight line- I seem to drift off to the left, while the left hip feels as if it drops from beneath me, and even in behind. My pronation feels like it changes (landing on different parts of heel,) while seeming to switch from pointing slightly outward (which feels natural,) to straight ahead, back again, and so on. After finally getting to see a doctor, the X-ray has come back clear (no abnormality) and my doctor has told me I've no spinal curving, so have now been referred to a physiotherapist, orthapedic and neurologist, to try and identify the problem.
Ortho immediately dismissed me, as there were no hip abnormalities present on X-Ray. I am now a couple weeks into appointments with my physio, but I'm having some concerns- the main one being that any inquires made on my behalf (i.e. non-firing glute, functional leg-length issue, hip flexor/glute imbalance) have instantly been disregarded without examination, while the problem area itself has barely even been addressed or examined. Any feedback I've received is that I'm probably just overthinking things; the most she has been able to tell me is that my SI Joint is apparantly stable.
She instead has altered the positioning of my knees and feet, yet the way in which I have been told to hold my legs (slightly knock-knee'd) is identical to the way in which I did so at the end of last year, when I had myself been attempting to adjust myself to what I had considered 'perfect' alignment. However, all that I achieved was that I ended up with severe IT-Band syndrome and CP, in both knees (despite being an avid foam-roller); my worry is that things are going to flare up once again, and I feel that she's putting me in a position where I could once again end up injured.
I can now barely walk without difficulty, let alone exercise, and more new things seem to be beginning to bother me.
I am DESPERATE for some help or advice. I'm training to become a Personal Trainer, as exercise and fitness is my passion, but have had to put everything on hold because of this.
If needed, I can post pictures, but would rather not, as I am very self-conscious.
Many thanks to anyone who replies...
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