Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 17, Male, Presenting Problem Since: about 2 years, Symptom Behaviour: Remaining constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Only when I'm sitting at the computer or Road Cycling/Racing, Aggravating Factors:: The longer I do the above the worse it gets, Easing Factors:: Stop what I'm doing but when going back to them say 5 min break sysmtons will come quicker, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, Other Info: Not that I know off
Muscle Imbalance - Lower back burning feel then pain - Only when sitting down at Pc & Road Cycling/Racing
My left side in the lower back is alot more tight then my right my left hamstring isn't as flexible as the right so my muscle imbalance has done some damage to my leg already, had physiotherapy, got lots of exercises & stretches to strengthen my core to make them balanced again. I am also very flexible I've been told by Physiotherapy
I was wonder I sit the computer alot doing them exercises will I gain anything from them if I go straight to sitting down on the computer after the exercises?
Also when sitting with correct posture at the computer my lower back feels tired and I feel I really need to slouch again. Is there any support that help me sit up for longer without forcing my self to stay in the correct posture while pain? At the moment I have like a bean bag thing that helps me sit upright put it just below my shoulders so there is a gap between the chair and my back at the lumber spine so do I need something to sit at the lumbar spine so it can relax and not force the muscles to work?
When I very first went to the hospital for Physiotherapy the guy that interviewed me first clicked my back he said it was a natural painkiller my back felt fresh and had no pain for about 4 weeks until it came back I was wondering if I can have it clicked again if I was to go back or can it damage anything in the back if I was to keep having it?
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