Age: 19, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 5 years, Symptom Behaviour: First my back hurt, then my shoulders, and now also my neck.. and its remaining that way, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): I feel like my back is weak in the morning, and gets more sore when i sit a lot through the day., Aggravating Factors:: putting my arms up or out from my body (hurts in the shoulders), lifting stuff, weigh training, Easing Factors:: Pain relief exercises or taking a walk, Investigations: My spine has a lack of curves and my pelvis is a little higher on one side, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
I have a flat back (loss of curves in the spine). And also my shoulders loop a little forward. I look weird from the side, and my stomach kind of sticks out while my ass goes the other way.
Kind of like the third from the left on this picture: Viderekoblingsmerknad
I have some pain in my lower back, shoulders and neck. I am very stiff in all my muscles. What muscles should i focuse on strengthening and what should i focuse on stretching to improve my posture and get more pain free? What weight exercises should i avoid, and which should i emphasize?
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