Age: 25, Female, Presenting Problem Since: one year, Symptom Behaviour: worst, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Night can be on day as well, Aggravating Factors:: Walking a lot, lying down on my back, have nothing to support my sij, Easing Factors:: Almost nothing, Investigations: I told about it, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, Bowel & Bladder: When I'm lying on my left side I'd have this feeling for BM, Other Info: unstable joint and lower back spasm
I'm feeling depressed from to much suffering and by far I couldn't get any relief for it. About 1 year since I fell down on my buttock area I started to feel my twosacroiliac joint turn around, physically I can feel it turning there is no possible sleeping with that. The worst thing it causes me spasms in pelvic floor muscles and that made me in a way to have less feeling over that area don't have to tell you what embarrassed I feel when it happening. I did Ct to this area and all came out good. We have this bone half down the body when I'm lying on my belly I can feel all the area pelvic "pulls down" like if some tissue was turn apart or something, there is no way all the checks I did came out fine but I keep feeling the pelvic bone goes out of place plus when I'm on my lower back I'll get that spasms where sacro and lumbar get together. Yesterday I visited the 6 orthopedic Doc since it all happened, I was asking her if she understand what is a
sacroiliac joint (SIJ) instability I think she didn't understand and said if nothing is broken than orthopedic won't help me so who can help? I visited 2 Chriopract nothing, I failed doing exercises I was given by Physio about 5 of them! because as I described my pelvic bone (the front one) goes out of place than I'd feel my hip joint unstable as well for the Sij and my legs won't act normal , now I'm trying to find out about a CT I did on February if it's truth that also the tissues were checked out (As the doctor said) I don't think so, because it wasn't even mentioned on the result page (It was asked to check only sacroiliac joint and tailbone)
. If my symptoms are known to anybody please help me I'm hopeless I don't want to live like this forever Sarit from Israel
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