
I just looking for some advice about my left knee pain.
Four years ago, I snapped my left ACL playing hockey. The ACL was completly ruptured with a slight tear to the medial Wikipedia reference-linkmeniscus. There was also bruising of the bone. Four months after the initial injury I had reconstruction surgery with the surgeons opting for a hamstring graft. The surgery was sucessful and I was back playing hockey after about 6 months.

However, over the past year/18months I have been beginning to get medial knee pain. The pain that I am experiencing is on the medial side around where the scar from surgery is. The pain is brought on during activies such as cycling and running (especially uphills), horse riding and also when doing squats and lunges. After these activites there will be slight pain for the rest of the day. The area is painful on palpation all of the time. The pain doesn't really prevent me from doing daily activities its more of just an annoying pain thats preventing me from participating painfree in the activies that I enjoy.

I'm just wondering if anyone has any ideas on what stuctures are causing the pain and if appropriate which medical professional they recommend I go and see.

Thanks in advance

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