Age: 31, Female, No Investigations, No Diabetes, High Blood Pressure: We have afamily history of high BP. Mine goes as high as 140/80 and the normal is 90/80., No Medications, Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
I have read on an article that a person can suffer from a herniated disc but won't have any symptoms, how true is this?
I have also read from this article Herniated Disc Repair , that a human body can perform herniated repair on its own? Again how true is this? Are there anyway to help the body expedite the process?
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It is true that some patients with a herniated disc may experience no symptoms. It is also possible for the body to heal bulging or herniated discs, however this will depend on the severity of injury and quality of treatment.
Hope that answers your question,