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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 23, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 8+ Years, Symptom Behaviour: constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): pain allways, caused by sports/exercise, Aggravating Factors:: sports/exercise, Easing Factors:: time, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: no

    Foot skin issues, not nice at all (graphic images included)

    First of all I want to say sorry for having to post these pictures, its not a nice sight and I can ensure you before I played football (soccer) today, my feet were smooth and didn't look like this what so ever as id given them a rest for two weeks.

    After getting the pain on top of my right foot sorted, I now realise this issues is something I need to sort out badly, nothing is making it better or stopping it happening.

    I've been having this issue for years (as long as I can remember), through a variety of sports and endless types of footwear, I've tried tight, normal fit and loose fitting footwear. I've also tried taping, padding, cushioned socks and everything else I can think of. I even have orthotics in all my shoes now due the arches beginning to fall on my feet, I thought this could help this issue but it hasn't at all.

    I'm getting no advice from my doctor and I just cant afford to go and see a foot specialist.

    Could it be the skin is too soft on my feet? My parents and everyone I've told have said its due to friction, but I've tried to reduce it and change so many things and its always the same.

    Any advice would be really appreciated as I'm not sure what I can do next, I cant keep going through this, after 30 mins of a 90 mins game (or even training or the gym) the pain is just awful and gets worse.

    It happens every time i play any sport, no matter what footwear, socks,additional padding,soles,socks that I use.

    Sorry about the poor grammar, I played today and its really hurting me now so my head isn't thinking to straight, just wanted to try get some advice ASAP.


    P.S : I forgot to mention the pain is a burning feeling, then a bruised type feel after.

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    Re: Foot skin issues, not nice at all (graphic images included)

    Looks like you need to have a biomechanical assessment to see why your feet are moving about in the shoes so much. Perhaps also a change of the type of socks (and material) you are wearing and even the innersole. e.g. A think sorbothane type layer in the shoe may help with the football shoes without taking up any space in the boot. The would absorb some of the impact that could be causing an abrasion type action against the foot. Then a consult with a chiropodist or podiatrist for some general foot love ideas. Your presentation is pretty normal and you feet show underlying signs of a more chronic neglect. Mine at times are not so different and my wife hounds me to moisturise them regularly.

    Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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    Re: Foot skin issues, not nice at all (graphic images included)

    Hi bob, thanks for your reply once again.

    I've currently been using cotton and most recently polyester cushioned socks with no luck, I'm thinking about purchasing a nylon pair and giving those a go.

    When I'm playing an actual match (not just training) I use ankle supports to reduce the risk of me twisting my ankle again, the supports are instructed to be worn over a sock. This means our team kit sock must go over the top of the cushioned sock I wear under the ankle support, will having two pairs of socks on make the issue worse? I'm considering purchasing these nylon anti blister socks and then modifying my team socks, cut the bottom off, place them over what's visible of the ankle support and tape them in place so I've only got one pair of socks on my foot inside the boot.

    Upon your last advice a few months ago I purchased these orthotic sports soles for my boots.

    I've looked at a sorbothane insole for sports and wonder if I would experience any better results with it? its this one here.

    The impact zones beneath the soles look similar, maybe its the same kinda think but from different brands?

    Thanks for the help.

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    Re: Foot skin issues, not nice at all (graphic images included)

    HI again. I think the two socks is not the issue so don't worry about any fancy darning and stitching

    I mention the sorbothane as they make inserts without any additional arch support, just a thin layer to assist absorb the impact and perhaps reduce the sliding. In my opinion that would be better than the others for that specific issue. The first suggestion is more of an orthotic to assist stabilize the arch and reduce some perhaps excessive pronation. With all the running around (excuse the pun) an investment in a one-off biomechanical assessment from a good sports physiotherapist would be well worth the investment.

    Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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    Re: Foot skin issues, not nice at all (graphic images included)

    Thanks for the reply's bob.

    I wasn't looking forward to getting out the stitching kit anyway so that's good news

    Is the sorbothane insole I showed in my last post (here) appropriate or should I go for there all over full strike insole seen here.

    Could you give me some idea of how much I should expect to pay for a biomechanical assessment and where would be the best place to look for one?

    Really want to get this sorted before I start playing any sport again.

    Thanks again.

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    Re: Foot skin issues, not nice at all (graphic images included)

    Not much more to say. A good assessment could be from £60 - £100 and more depending on where and what is being done. Video assessment etc would be a bit more. A forum cannot assess you foot and lower limb so it is not possible to recommend one orthotic over another. Also different ones will be different for different shoes. Look up a private sports physio practice in your area and ask then after assessing if they think you need a good podiatric input and work on their recommendation. best of luck

    Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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    My goal has always to be to get the global physiotherapy community talking & exchanging ideas on an open platform
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    Re: Foot skin issues, not nice at all (graphic images included)

    Ok thanks for your help, im going to contact the local clinics and get some prices for biomechanical assessments, then go from there.

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