Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 22, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 1.4 years, Symptom Behaviour: getting a bit worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): as the day goes on, Aggravating Factors:: Sitting/ standing still, Easing Factors:: laying on my side helps some, Investigations: Xrays Mris bone scans all came back normal, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, Medications: percocet, effexor, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
Chronic pain and posture

For along time now i have suffering from chronic back/neck/shoulder pain with no improvement i have assumed it was from my poor posture but when i tried to correct my posture and sit straight it only made it worse and now its so bad i cannot even sit on a chair at all anymore i have tried dozens of desk chairs and none i can sit it comfortably they start giving me sever low/mid/sides back pain only a few mins after sitting and its s frustrating, the only way i can even use the computer anymore is kneeling on the floor . I have looked up everything from kyophosis to posturier pelvic tilt but i can not tell what i have and whats wrong, i decided i would take some pics and see if anyone has any ideas, i have been to numerous psysios and no one has mentioned much just that i need to stregthen my back muscles which any exercise/stretch they gave me would only make it worse, and i cannot do any back exercises really because i cannot sit and bending hurts also. Im just so fruserating it seems no one can help me. Here are some pics i took of myself please any help would be great i just want to be pain free and be able to sit with no pain. I cannot even stand straight up still or my back will start burning and aching i have to step side to side or lean and i always feel like im leaning to one side more than the other for some reason. Warning the pics are not pretty i lost 200lbs of weight purposely so lots of unpleasent skin and stuff
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