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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 22, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 1.4 years, Symptom Behaviour: getting a bit worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): as the day goes on, Aggravating Factors:: Sitting/ standing still, Easing Factors:: laying on my side helps some, Investigations: Xrays Mris bone scans all came back normal, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, Medications: percocet, effexor, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues

    Chronic pain and posture

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    For along time now i have suffering from chronic back/neck/shoulder pain with no improvement i have assumed it was from my poor posture but when i tried to correct my posture and sit straight it only made it worse and now its so bad i cannot even sit on a chair at all anymore i have tried dozens of desk chairs and none i can sit it comfortably they start giving me sever low/mid/sides back pain only a few mins after sitting and its s frustrating, the only way i can even use the computer anymore is kneeling on the floor . I have looked up everything from kyophosis to posturier pelvic tilt but i can not tell what i have and whats wrong, i decided i would take some pics and see if anyone has any ideas, i have been to numerous psysios and no one has mentioned much just that i need to stregthen my back muscles which any exercise/stretch they gave me would only make it worse, and i cannot do any back exercises really because i cannot sit and bending hurts also. Im just so fruserating it seems no one can help me. Here are some pics i took of myself please any help would be great i just want to be pain free and be able to sit with no pain. I cannot even stand straight up still or my back will start burning and aching i have to step side to side or lean and i always feel like im leaning to one side more than the other for some reason. Warning the pics are not pretty i lost 200lbs of weight purposely so lots of unpleasent skin and stuff


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    Re: Chronic pain and posture

    Hi, Dextah
    How did your back pain start at beginning? Any injuries? How is your movement like at moment? Any pain when you bending and doing things? When you start doing things, back feels better?
    Have you try doing some aerobic exercises like walking and cycling? If you haven't try some of these exercises.
    Also try some relaxation techniques, slouch if you feel more comfortable and relaxed, standing with your stomach relaxed as well.
    Get me informed how are you getting on, if above seems help you, I can explain more to you.

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    Re: Chronic pain and posture

    Quote Originally Posted by chen7389 View Post
    Hi, Dextah
    How did your back pain start at beginning? Any injuries? How is your movement like at moment? Any pain when you bending and doing things? When you start doing things, back feels better?
    Have you try doing some aerobic exercises like walking and cycling? If you haven't try some of these exercises.
    Also try some relaxation techniques, slouch if you feel more comfortable and relaxed, standing with your stomach relaxed as well.
    Get me informed how are you getting on, if above seems help you, I can explain more to you.
    Thanks so much for the reply ill try giving some more info, im not quite sure how it all started but no apparent injuries i know that around the same time of losing my weight i tried to improve other parts of my life like posture when sitting and i got a new desk chair which was very uncomfortable for me as i was not used to sitting in a proper chair with good posture and i kind of suffered through the pain for a couple days with no improvement so i tried going back to my old chair and it just never went away and to this day i still cannot sit in a chair without pain, i never realized at the time but i know i had poor posture i was hunched and had the butt pulled away from the back of the chair some which i know is bad. But currently my pain in my upper back/neck/all along spine is pretty bad on a daily basis it gets worse as the day goes on and gets very very bad when sitting/standing still. And my neck pain gets worse when looking down, working with my hands above my head or even just holding up a book to read, and even laying on my back on a pillow will cause neck pain but when laying on my back if i turn my head to the left or right the pain subsides a lot. the pain in the neck feels like its actually in the neck bones and starts burning out towards the sides/traps(?)

    i had the neck pain for awhile before my back pain but i just lived with it and its gotten worse since my back also. Now my back pain is like a burning pain that aches and gets worse when bending or sitting or standing straight up still. Like if im standing still and chopping some fruit my back will start burning and arching and i will start twisting to try to crack it and when my pain gets bad it seems to crack and snap alot. All day i have to stand basically i sit for maybe 5 min at a time. I tried doing back strengthening exercises but anything i try to do only makes it worse for example i tried doing seated rows but of coure it made it worse because it makes it worse to sit and i tried bent over rows but it hurts also so im just so stuck.


    I have been researching myself since no one around me seems to be able to help i have been to physiotherapists but where i live they really dont seem to know alot or just dont care, From my research some things that i could have are:

    Upper-cross syndrome
    Forward Head
    Posterior pelvic tilt

    but im not a pro so i really dont know and i don’t know where to start to try to fix these things. I do walk daily and walking doesnt make it worse and actually makes it some better if it gets really bad the only things i can do are lay on my side in a fetus position or walk around. I cannot figure out why i cannot stand up straight even without burning i have to step side to side or just move around.

    Thanks again.

    Chronic pain and posture Attached Images

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    Re: Chronic pain and posture

    these days, the Physio approach to Chronic Pain steps away from the 'biomechanical' way of thinking and analysing and follows the path of "bio-psycho-social" training. This often includes Occupational Therapy, Clinical Psychology and activity-based training. It cannot be explained in a few simple sentences and is best done by Specialists.
    Please try to find a clinic that specalises in Chronic pain and undergo their intervention regime. You will need an assessment which determines where you are on the continuum of chronic pain, which then determines training and education.

    Continue to go for walks. This is very important.

    Good luck,

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    Re: Chronic pain and posture

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Hi, Dextah
    thank you for your information.
    You possiblly need to stop thinking about your "bad posture". Your correction of posture didn't seem to relieve your symptoms, right? On the other hand, it might have induced high level of muscle guarding and co-contraction of Lx and Cx muscles, which will lead to high level of compressive loading to joints, movement restriction and rigidity. you can imagin if your muscles are firing at all the time, especially some muscles are not supposed to fire when you sitting or standing still, what going to happen?
    The aerobic exercise helped, thats good news! it helps because it relaxes some of your overactivated muscles, I guess muscle relaxation, breathing control would helped too, but might be difficult for you to do so though. Try to bring on your bad habits like slunching in the chair, standing with your core muscle off, bending with your back fully flexed, those might able to free your muscle tension.
    Those theories are not mine, they were developed by a Perth based physiotherapist: Peter O'Sullivan, I know there were therapists from Canada who had attent his lectures, they might have similar magamentment, worth asking around to find one. I think you do need some guidance to bring you on right track.
    Also you did appear having high level of anxiety and fear, it is understandable due to your long time back pain, but remember those factors are reinforcing your mal-adaptive behaviors when you coping with pain. Congnitive behaviour therapy can help, some physiotherapists have special training of that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dextah View Post
    Thanks so much for the reply ill try giving some more info, im not quite sure how it all started but no apparent injuries i know that around the same time of losing my weight i tried to improve other parts of my life like posture when sitting and i got a new desk chair which was very uncomfortable for me as i was not used to sitting in a proper chair with good posture and i kind of suffered through the pain for a couple days with no improvement so i tried going back to my old chair and it just never went away and to this day i still cannot sit in a chair without pain, i never realized at the time but i know i had poor posture i was hunched and had the butt pulled away from the back of the chair some which i know is bad. But currently my pain in my upper back/neck/all along spine is pretty bad on a daily basis it gets worse as the day goes on and gets very very bad when sitting/standing still. And my neck pain gets worse when looking down, working with my hands above my head or even just holding up a book to read, and even laying on my back on a pillow will cause neck pain but when laying on my back if i turn my head to the left or right the pain subsides a lot. the pain in the neck feels like its actually in the neck bones and starts burning out towards the sides/traps(?)

    i had the neck pain for awhile before my back pain but i just lived with it and its gotten worse since my back also. Now my back pain is like a burning pain that aches and gets worse when bending or sitting or standing straight up still. Like if im standing still and chopping some fruit my back will start burning and arching and i will start twisting to try to crack it and when my pain gets bad it seems to crack and snap alot. All day i have to stand basically i sit for maybe 5 min at a time. I tried doing back strengthening exercises but anything i try to do only makes it worse for example i tried doing seated rows but of coure it made it worse because it makes it worse to sit and i tried bent over rows but it hurts also so im just so stuck.


    I have been researching myself since no one around me seems to be able to help i have been to physiotherapists but where i live they really dont seem to know alot or just dont care, From my research some things that i could have are:

    Upper-cross syndrome
    Forward Head
    Posterior pelvic tilt

    but im not a pro so i really dont know and i don’t know where to start to try to fix these things. I do walk daily and walking doesnt make it worse and actually makes it some better if it gets really bad the only things i can do are lay on my side in a fetus position or walk around. I cannot figure out why i cannot stand up straight even without burning i have to step side to side or just move around.

    Thanks again.

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