Brief Medical History Overview
Overactive back extensors w/ spondylolisthesis at L5/S1

Hi all,
I am not a physio but rather a somewhat informed patient of a physio, make that 5 physios in the past 2 years.
First is my question:
- How can I relax my back extensors other than being aware? My left lower back is always in extension while standing and walking, and, although I can feel myself tensing my erector spinae and some other muscles, I can not seem to stop doing it.
Here are the factors:
- Herniated disc at C5/C6 w/ spinal cord compression and intense pain and muscle atrophy in upper left back/shoulder blade muscles. This condition went on for about 15 months before fusion w/ cadaver bone and metal at C5/C6 (one level).
- Shortly after herniating the disc I fell on my head from a distance of about 6-8 feet. I sustained painful and long-lasting injuries to the right side of my neck and right shoulder. This happened over 2 years ago, and the pain and headaches continue although this is greatly diminished from the onset.
- A dr. discovered I have I grade I
spondylolisthesis at L5/S1, which most likely has been there since I was a teenager. - I'm 41.
- The discs in a lumbar MRI appear fine, and there was no visible neural impingement.
- A message therapist discovered MUCH adhesion in my abdominal area. I don't know what is technically, but I can say that my abdomen from pelvis to ribs was insanely tight and painful to medium pressure. It is still tight but has decreased with daily periods of lying on top of a massage ball, using it like a foam roller to slowly sink into the fascia/muscle.
History and Current Complaints:
About 2 years ago and a month or so after herniating the disc, my hamstrings tightened up to a painful degree. No amount of stretching seemed to reduce the pain or stretch the hamstrings. To make a long story short, it seemed like my entire body seized up on me; everything was very tight and painful. I stopped all sports, running, and walking for pleasure 1) to give my body a rest and 2) because it made everything hurt more.
After much physical therapy, massage, chiro, surgery and Feldenkrais classes, I am aware enough to feel my left lower back go and stay in extension when I stand and walk. I have been doing core strengthening for about 6 months, and iI think I am fairly strong there. I have been doing glute medius strengthening exercises and other exercises to increase awareness of proper pelvic and spinal movements, esp. on the left side. That is, while lying on my side I can move my hip up and down w transverse abdominis engaged and back NOT going into extension.
The problem is that I can not "relax" my left lower back and even mid back (thoracic section where ribs end) when I stand or walk. A 1/2 mile walk is painful and unpleasant not to mention day to day activities and a return to sports. What's worse is that if I feel like I'm doing it to myself at this point, but I can not stop.
Thanks to whomever is reading this. I apologize if I have written too much or too little, and I would be greatly appreciative of any insight people may be able to provide.
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