Brief Medical History Overview
Please Help, I think I my spine is out of alignment

Hi. I desperately need some advice. I've been to a doctor, had an MRI and seen a neurosurgeon and pain management specialist. My pain is chronic and even wakes me at night (I am a poor sleeper waking in the middle of the night wide awake for hours sometimes). I take nothing for the pain but over the counter meds occasionally, but I seem to be getting progressively worse and worse as I age, and I have a very high pain tolerance (trust me). I am only 38 years old.
I've been diagnosed with Scoliosis, and spinal stenosis (mild) and a herniated disc in L5 S1 that is pushing on a nerve (I think as no one really took the time to go over my MRI or prognosis with me). I was ushered in and out of offices without much attention and I kept my mouth shut. Doctors don't want to hear my complaints about how the pain moves around and how morning stiffness is awful. So, most of the time I have just accepted it as best I can--it often drives my wife and family crazy because I can't help but complain at times. The neurosurgeon did a reflex test and figured I was okay, he basically said as long as I can work I am good. The pain management specialist wouldn't give me anything for the pain.
Problem is I am wondering if there is more going on with me as it seems to be getting worse and there seems to be periods of swelling involved. I have had back pain since my 20's when i worked at a store where lifting was involved daily and I know I have herniated something in the past because I can pinpoint the physical events. Every once in awhile I still throw my back out and the pain is unbearable. However, lately, I seem to have these inflammatory episodes that involve my lower spine and also now my neck and hip. The pain moves a lot. In my neck I just have the ache at the level of the collar bone and it gets better and worse and is centrally located. I feel like my spine is totally out of joint and when I stand and face the mirror I look crooked leaning toward the left. Here is the thing--I've never been crooked in my life! The only time I got crooked was about 3-4 years ago when I was running heavily and I started to re-injure my back again.
Lately, my left hip has the muscle on the front hurt after long walks (the muscle that runs down the length of the front leg) and it is getting stiff also a lot--the whole hip. I am worried as I have seen my condition deteriorate in the last 3 years. I've received no offers for specialists or anything after the pain management doctor and a quick visit with a neurosurgeon. I was evaluated for surgery by the neurosurgeon and dismissed very quickly as not a candidate after 5 minutes. Neither doctor gave me any advice, but I am convinced that I am misaligned and never had scoliosis years ago--I just keep getting more crooked. I am almost thinking of padding my left shoe to raise my left hip so it's level with my right.
Can you recommend what I should do? Is there someone near Vancouver BC that I could seek out? I desperately need help and can't seem to find a physio that knows his stuff, or what to do about me. I was at one physic and all he did was give me 3 basic exercises (crunches etc.) and then he put these little electrodes on my back for 10 minutes of muscle stimulation. I need someone who can help align me and maybe this would cure some of my back issues (??) Please Help!
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