Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 23, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 2 weeks., Symptom Behaviour: It got better, but has since remained constant., Aggravating Factors:: straightening my right arm., No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
elbow pain when straightening arm

Hi everyone.
I acquired some kind of elbow problem. I can't tell for sure exactly how it happened. I compete in kickboxing 3 x per week, and lift weights 3 x per week. I also spend a lot of time sitting at the computer during the day (I'm a student). My weights program is sensible - I complete the compound lifts, generally heavier weight lower reps. It's not like I am doing crazy volume like those idiots at the gym doing 10x10 curls.....
Anyway. One day my elbow would hurt when I flexed (like doing a bicep curl without weight). This pain went away after a day. I've been taking it easy for the last two weeks. I can still train in kickboxing and lift weights pain free. However, when I straighten my arm, I still feel a small amount of pain, more so towards the inside of my elbow. I also get pain when I rest my forearm on my desk for a long period of time. Or if I hyper extend it if I miss a target punching.
What could this possibly be? Can I continue training if it is pain free? What are some things I can do? It doesn't seem serious. The pain is mild. I'd say quite mild. I'm taking anti-inflammatory and using compression occasionally. It's just distracting that this is lingering, I am very wary of acquiring any long term injuries. At the same time I hate to miss training. Could this be indicative of some other injury?
Any help is greatly appreciated,
best wishes,
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