Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 46, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 3 months, Symptom Behaviour: slightly better but contant at moment, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): during day, Aggravating Factors:: bending/ sitting, Easing Factors:: lying flat, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: no
low back problem (discs?)
good friends. 3 months ago i was doing some heavy roofing work, flexing the hip and extending the arms with many tiles. i was also climbing onto the roof with tiles with the knee above the hip as a starting point (basically the foof was just to high to hop up onto. my lower back around the lumbar vertebrae and around the right sacroiliac joint were aching but not excessively painfull.
shortly after this i drove 500 miles to visit family, after which the pain increased greatly and my mobility extending the trunk became painful and slow. over the next 8 weeks or more the pain has gone into my right gluteus max along the liac crest toward the ASIS. i also have sporadic pain in the front of the hip in the flexor region and toward the groin.
40 years ago i was hospitalised with a 'twisted hip' also on the right side. this hasnt caused me any noticable problem over the years apart from the occasional pain around that area which comes and then goes. it's not something i have thought about until now. my right shoe wears down more than the left at the back on the lateral side of the heel.
originally i tried to rest and stretch as i had had similar discomfort in this area before, which had gone after a week or so. i had associated this with the childhood hip problem.
since then i have seen an experienced osteopath and came out worse than when i went in. have had massage both mechanical (machine) and soft tissue manupulation. none of which has helped much. a physio suggested that i might lay prone and extend the trunk x 10 on and off during the day. i actually did find some relief but it has never returned to its pre-roof state of bliss!!
recently after i was feeling fairly well considering, i was slighly flexed at the trunk with straight legs, on and off for about 30-40 mins. this has aggravated the problem and now i am finding it painful to sit and difficult to straighten up after sitting. the complaint is now 3 months old.
any ideas for long term peace would be much appreciated. i am a masseur part time and my stance and technique are good. i have mainly been doing my other building work since the first occurence and the massage has not aggravated it as far as i know.
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