Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 36, Female, Presenting Problem Since: less than 1 week, Symptom Behaviour: remaining constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): all day pain, even without pressure, Aggravating Factors:: moving, Easing Factors:: pain medicine, holding still, Investigations: 2 x-rays, and 2 medical checks by doctors, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, Medications: birth control, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
Severe Ankle Sprain
I severely sprained my ankle this past saturday. It has been 4 days. I have had 2 x-rays, both negative (2 days apart) for fracture. I go to my general doctor in 2 days for a follow up exam, and to see if we can tell how bad the ligament damage is. It is black/blue/purple over almost my whole foot/ankle area. The swelling has come down a lot as I used the RICE treatment so far. The doctors put me on crutches, but I am unable to use them, so I have a "knee walker" and it gives me much relief to walk and have mobility back. My question is, what am I looking at in time for me to bear weight and walk again. As of right now, I can gently put my foot on the ground without pain, but can put no pressure on it. I am getting frustrated, and I do know it has only been 4 days, but I am not used to having to limit myself so much. Thanks in advance!
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