I am currently being treated (after a long wait) for a 10 week duration of varying symptoms/pain intensity which started in my neck and has radiated to my right shoulder blade, the tip of my shoulder and occasionally into my arm with occasional tingling in thumb and index finger on extending my neck.

I have had 2 sessions of physio and he thinks it is a problem with C6 which I believe he tried to "mobilize" (pressing up and down on that vertebrae and others). After he asked if this had improved the pain which it hadn't but later that day I got some real relief. However the next day and today I am in real pain in my shoulder blade and shoulder. A kind of sore deep cramping. As he asked me if it had improved the pain and now I am in worse pain, is this normal?

Also, although during the 10 week period I had a period where it appeared to be getting better (around 5 weeks), is still being in pain at 10 weeks normal? There doesn't seem to be any urgency or worry on the physios part but the internet is over run with ridiculous information so I hope someone here will at least give me some reassurance/advice.


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