I posted in another thread, i have a question re: nerve glides because my hands feel like they have gloves on them all the time. when I attempt to extend my arm from my side, i can do it but it pulls at my elbows. If I attempt to do it with my wrist flexed back i can't do it AT ALL and my bp/neck area becomes inflamed way before i fully extend. However I can flex my wrist back with my arm hanging at my side, does this make sense to anyone? i do not think i'll be able to do never glides with my wrist flexed back and extending arm for a LONG time. since my mri and emg came back clean, it would be alright to strengthen correct? should i just try strengthening and then some other type of nerve glides (higher up, like for my bp without extending my arm maybe)? sometimes the area between my neck and my shoulders feels ropey.

i have a good pt but im just looking for other opinions, thank you

Here's some background, i posted before.. thanks again

whiplash to myself??

hello, i am in pt for shoulder and neck instability. i am 28, very weak female with ehelrs danlos syndrome, upper cross syndrome and lower cross syndrome(i think)

ive never had bad neck pain my life until last october. i had hurt my shoulders very badly and was doing strengthening on my own because i didn't have health insurance and my hands were slightly numb all of the time. i attempted to do a brachial plexus nerve glide on both sides and then my neck and thoracic spine caught on fire and i was bedridden for a day. ever since that day my neck has not been the same. i have terrible tmj now and get all kinds of knots. i get realyl dizzy and the back of my neck feels tight and then if eel like im going to faint. my left side is a lot worse, ive been told my rib is elevated on that side but i have pain in both sides.

my spine used to catch on fire whenever i sat in certain positions. this has slowly gone away. but i do get pins and needles around my upper t-spine c-spine if i sit a certain way. i was also dx'd with a severe magnesium deficiency in july .5 (1.5-2.5 range). my mag levels are normal now.

my pt just started me on shoulder strengthening exercises and chin tucks about a month ago. does it sound like im on the right path? will strengthening the rest of my body get rid of the tmj (which magically appeared when i hurt my neck)? i'm wondering how long this could possibly take to recover?? i can barely hold my head up and i'm afraid of my left rib creeping up and giving me tos. thanks.

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