Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 24, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 12 weeks, Symptom Behaviour: Consistent from about 9 weeks on, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Neither, Aggravating Factors:: Stairs, gives out occasionally with leg straight, Easing Factors:: I have adjustable brace I lock 5degree sho of straight, but have full rom, Investigations: MRI and x ray, MRI listed above, no fractures or breaks, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: No perfectly healthy
Ruptured acl, torn mcl and lcl, damaged meniscus both sides and refused surgery

Hi, I am new to this forum so I will introduce myself. I'm 24 living in the Uk so all treatment is under the nhs. I compete and have compete for several years in weightlifting or more specifically powerlifting. About 12 weeks ago in training, my training partner passed out whilst squatting over 400kg, he fell backwards and landed on me, the safety bars caught the weight, but my leg was twisted really badly.
After an MRI scan I was told I have
Ruptured the acl
Torn mcl to unknown degree, but it feels noticeably lax
Torn lcl same as above
Torn meniscus both sides, again not informed to the degree or type of tear, but do get pain from certain movements, and it has had episodes where placing weight on the leg causes incredible pain, but only lasts for 20 minutes at a time and only happens maybe once every 2 weeks so far.
I was also told I have damage to the posterolateral corner.
My surgeon is very keen on the fact I'm a competitive weightlifter and is confident aggressive physio will have me competing again in several months.
My intuition disagrees, in competition I can be expected to squat no less than 300 kg. I can only imagine any weakness in the knee and it will show with max weights on the squat.
Can any experienced physics advise or anybody who has been in this situation before please comment.
I feel that his advice is lining me up for a much worse injury, but don't want to stop competing, I currently hold several national records.
P's. Physio starts tomorrow
Bst regards
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