Age: 73, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 67 days, Symptom Behaviour: worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): at night, Aggravating Factors:: movement, Easing Factors:: sitting stationary, Investigations: the results are expected withint Monday, Diabetic: Diabated Melitus, High Blood Pressure, Medications: Matphormine for BS control and athenolol for blood pressure control, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
Hi there,
My 73 y/o motherhad a fallin incident about two months ago and had a humerus impacted fracture on the right arm, which the doctor put in sling for about 4 weeks. 5 week after the incident, as the pain subcided, the doctor put her on 20 sessions of physiotherapy, which seemed to be working at first, but she started having increased pains with the exercises getting more intense, I guess after the 11th session or so. A week later, she started having severe pains in her neck, upper right back and shooting pains down her right elbow/arm/hand/fingers. The prescriptions of anti-inflammatory and painkillers have not been hepful and she is in a lot of pain. The doctor has requested a shoulder MRI and we are waiting for the results. But I came across this forum and thought to explain the situation to see if you have any suggestions as whether the physiotherapy might have caused any kind of damage.
Thanks and regards
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