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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 32, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 4 years, Symptom Behaviour: constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): report provided, Aggravating Factors:: report provided, Easing Factors:: report provided, Investigations: report provided, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: report provided

    Long standing cervicogenic dizziness or something similar - vestibular rehabilation?

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Dear all,

    I hate to presume on good natures, but I really need some advice. I have had something which may be similar to cervicogenic dizziness for 4 years, and have worked extremely hard, to no avail, to improve my condition. I have learnt a great deal about this complex neuromuscular condition, and felt I was in a position to collate the information and present it logically in a report (attached). It is concise, and doesnt take long to read, however, the first two pages give a good solid history if the full report is a bit long - I appreciate I am paying no fees here! I really feel that with the right understanding/experience, this puzzling condition can by solved and improved, if not cured. Its just very obscure, and standard treatments dont cut it.

    Any advice on what to do,who to consult and what to read would be greatly appreciated. If you know of any organisations/professionals/researchers who may be interested in my case, I would like to send the report to them. Through 4 years of frustration, I now know only someone with a special, specific kind of experience and knowledge can help me. Perhaps a Vestibular Rehabilitation PT?

    Any thoughts and advice will be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance,

    Alan Davidson

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    Long standing cervicogenic dizziness or something similar - vestibular rehabilation? Attached Files

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    Re: Long standing cervicogenic dizziness or something similar - vestibular rehabilation?

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Hello Alan31, I see that you posted this question last May and I hope by now you have found the correct treatment but if not I strongly urge you to consider osteopathic manipulative treatments, or OMT. I have cervicogenic dizziness. It took three years and a good physical therapist to be correctly diagnosed. The only thing that works for me is OMT. I have to go every three weeks but it worth it. I saw that you have seen an osteopath but you need one that will spend 45 minutes at each visit treating your whole body for this. Try reseaching the Osteopathic Association in your area to find someone who does this. Treatments can change the way you live your life and provide you with a great deal of understanding about it. Hope this helps!

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