Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 25, Female, Presenting Problem Since: Lifetime as far as I know, Symptom Behaviour: Constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): No, Aggravating Factors:: Nothing, Easing Factors:: Nothing, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: No
Extreme Gluteal Amnesia and Quad Dominance
My friend a very extreme case of gluteal amnesia, she just cannot connect her mind to her glutes. In every exercise she will find a way for her quads, and sometimes her hamstrings to take over. She doesn't have anterior pelvic tilt, in fact I would say she has has slight case of posterior tilt. We decided to take all non hip dominant exercises out of her routine, and we have been trying all kinds of glute activation exercises, cook hip lifts, band walks, quadruped hip extension, clams but to no avail. It's frustrating her to the point of tears now, her glutes are complete passengers. She claims she cannot tense them without tensing her quads, she couldn't engage them at all during a plank, it was as if they were paralysed.
She does a thorough stretching regime first, her hip flexors do not appear to be tight in anyway.
Any advice would be massively appreciated, I am all out of solutions.
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