Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 30, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 3-4 years, Symptom Behaviour: worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): worse in morning - feel badly coordinated at walking although hip doesn't hurt., Aggravating Factors:: walking about all day and also doing work down on knees., Easing Factors:: stretching improves a lot but short lived, Investigations: recent x ray apparantly showed slight degeneration of right hip. awaiting further details., No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: I am generally very healthy and do a lot of sport but this is starting to make me less active.
hip and other priblems

Hi all, I'm new to this forum and have joined to try to get some advice on a problem I'm having that's causing me a lot of grief.
I've had a achey hip for about 3 years now which has been getting slightly worse as times gone on. At the time I noticed the pain I went to the doctor who transferred me to a specialist who suspetected a labral tear and carried out x-ray, mri arthrogram and 2 x scans of the hips and pelvis/lower back but found nothing wrong.
Over the last couple of years it's got a bit worse but seem to be getting worse coordinated in my left leg and pelvis generally and get achey muscles and feet if I do much walking around and an achey back. I also have been getting a sore left shoulder if I use it a lot.
I've been to several private physios and osteopaths, bowen etc but with no improvement. I normally get coordination exercises to do to improve the coordination but I feel as though there is something inhibiting coordination in that leg/side as it never seems to get any better. I have been back to the doc recently who is referring me to a hip specialist consulant but am waiting for that appointment.
Recently I've been getting a more sore left shoulder and have been getting slight pins and needles in left arm and leg and also hot and cold in foot and hand so that sometimes they are different colour to the other side.
I seem to remember that for several years, maybe 10 years that I've had the slight feeling of lack of coordination in the left leg, prior to having the aching hip so wonder if there;s something else causing this such as one of the many heavy skateboarding crashes that I had onto left side.
What should I do? I think I'm going to go back to the doc about the pins and needles as I'm concerned about it. Any thoughts welcome.
Best regards.
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