Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 27, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 1 yr, Symptom Behaviour: Worse my pain is like a 20 from a range of 1 to 10, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Its a constant pain as I walk it hurts but when I lay down its like the pain is unbearable I just feel like crying and this is coming from a man that studies martial arts and played football since I was 7, Aggravating Factors:: Laying down, getting up, walking, bending it everything, Easing Factors:: At this point nothing last night I took 3 packs of Motrin and it did nothing, Investigations: MRI but I think I need a nother one because I think it has gotten worse, No Diabetes, High Blood Pressure: Not really, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: What ever I'm doing it hurts I need help
My ACL injury

Hi my name is Malike Walker I was a victim of a hit and run in June 2010. In the accident I sustained a torn acl and a host of other injuries shown in a MRI I took in 2011. Since then I went to phisical therapy which they said they couldn't do nothing for my knee until I had my surgery that was suggested by my doctor. I never got the surgery because the state of NY took my non fault coverage from me because their doctor said that I wasn't injured and they took my non fault insurance from me. Now a year later I'm in constant pain even as I type I'm in pain. I think everynIght wil i walk the next day. I have a lot of ?'s about my injury.
1. Can I still get surgery and have at least a 90% recovery even though it has been a about 2 years since my accedent.
2. How can I get my non fault insurance to pay for my surgery or where can I go for help in my case how can I get a surgery that I can't afford.
3. In the mean time how can I deal with my pain which is the right way to lay with out being in so much pain.
4. Last, will a doctor please help me I tried every other output and nothing else worked so I'm reaching out to you may someone help me I'm in so much pain.
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