Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 39/40, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 12mnths, Symptom Behaviour: constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): constant pain similar to shin splints worsened if over exercised, Aggravating Factors:: impact long walks or lenthy periods using the limb, Easing Factors:: elevation non weight bearing warm bath, Investigations: xray ct scan shows some bridging and callous formation opposite the plate oterwise non union, Diabetic: type 1, High Blood Pressure: treated with 20mg of lisionprill, Medications: simvastatin and lisonprill and insulin, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
non union of commutued lower distal fractured tibia

hi everyone sorry to bother you but i need some advice i will try to keep it brief but want you to have all the facts so here goes in march 2011 i was assulted resulting in multiple fractures of the tibia and fibula of my right leg i was treated with internal fixation requiring two plates and 17 screws. Unfortunately i am a 39yr old male with insulin dependent diabetes and also take statins and medication for high blood pressure. It has now been nearly a year on and although my fibula has healed apparently my tibia hasnt and i have non union. Added to this is the fact that origionally i was in a cast for what i consider to be an excessive amont of time(around 16-18wks) and my right leg was incorrectly set ( about a 5% bias to the outside) i now find that my ankle which had previously sustained no damage has a dramatically reduced dorsi flex resulting in my redundancy from my occupation as a stonemason.
Obviously i am unhappy about this and most of the problem is with massive stiffness around the front of the ankle rather than the achilles tendon.
Now heres the kicker i have been referred to a specialist orthopedic hospital and having had various scans and xrays they have confirmed the non union however there was bridging and callous formed on the opposite of the bone to the plate. I had a consultation on wednesday and the professor was of the opinion that he needed to remove the bone in that area around 20-25mm and do a transport using a illazarovs cage he reckoned i would have to wear this device for 12mnths. So now my concern is as follows firstly its taking another year of my life secondly i will get atrophy of the limb and also this device will not allow as much movement so will i face further problems with my foot and leg function/movement, thirdly the current metal work will have to be removed so further intrusive surgery pressumbly resulting in greater damage to soft tissue and tendons? and finally i will have a constant battle against infection at pin sites and will be on a wild array of drugs.
So heres the thing i thought there could be a possibilty of a bone graft but maybe im clutching at straws the prof seemed to think that there was maybe only 50% chance of success but why wouldnt we try that? Afterall the fibula healed no one has identified why i have non union or if there is a problem with my bones pressumbly this procedure would involve a smallish incision at the site of the nonunion roughing up the bones and application of graft and marrow as i already have a plate i am guessing i wouldnt need to be in a cast again so could start weight bearing quickly and work with wolfes law thinking that if successful i could possibly be ok within 3mnths. Also should this procedure fail then its on the area that they would remove anyway for the transport and cage kinda like using a puncture repair kit before splashing out on a new innertube right?
So im not sure why the seem so keen to try the transport method over the graft? surely if theres a chance it would work and i could be back to normal quicker its worth the risk?
well there it is excuse the spelling and grammar and i appreciate your patience and response many thanks jerome
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