Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 37, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 7 months, Symptom Behaviour: worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Depends., Aggravating Factors:: Lifting things, Easing Factors:: Hot bath long walk ease the sciatica, Investigations: MRI in June Before injury and in december after. Came back as normal no damage., No Diabetes, High Blood Pressure: Have borderline High blood pressure which I manage myself., Medications: Lyrica 600mg, amotryptiline 40mg, Artrotec 50mg., No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: Not really.
Lower back pain Sciatica. Interesting case

August the 1st 2011, Deadlifting felt a little pain and what i could call the feeling of something ripping or tearing. Carried on in my set and finished my session.
Next day could not move and had sciatica in my left buttock. My physio instantly thought disc damage and put me on a programme of treatment to good success. Although the sciatica never quite went. That was August 2011 and since december the pain and soreness has got worse. Had an MRI in December and the specialist came back saying that the backs structure was sound and showed no herniation or damage. He compared it to an MRI of the lower spine done in June for a Brachial plexus injury. He would not say anymore as he had to go. "It's fine." Were his final words as he left.
Anyway I teach in my own gym so I am struggling with this problem as I can not lift more than 20kg without sciatica coming on strong. My Physiotherapist, who is excellent, kind of has no idea whats going on as i get pain on hyperextension only, and is currently carrying on with treatments for disc problems. Yet I have constant sciatic pain.
Options are.1, Carry on and hope it goes away.
2, Get a private session at £200 with nuerosurgeon guy.
3, .............................
My GP has put me on Lyrica for the problem a nuero pain killer. With little or no difference.
Any ideas please?
I am 37years old and try to be active if possible.
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