Hi everyone.
I have suffered a Jones fracture at the 22nd of April. It's actually a triple fracture - one break going diagonally upwards towards the toe, one sideways and one diagonally downwards toward the base. Fortunately, they are not "full" breaks but only go roughly 2/3 - 3/4. I was given a hard cast for a week, and then a different walking cast for another 4 weeks. Last week I went to the hospital again - an X-ray was made and no significant improvement was seen - although at least one of the fractures seemed to be healing up. However, the cast was taken off as I didn't experience any pain walking (even without the cast) or on pressure/touch. Apparently, as it's not a full break there is no risk of it healing badly without the cast and the additional blood circulation from moving should speed up healing. Is that correct?

I have now been walking for the last week on the foot, however some pain has come back when I walk on the foot. It's by far not intolerable, and it varies in severity (sometimes it just hurts a little bit), however I was wondering if this is normal? Can walking on the foot possibly do any harm or could there be any bad consequences from having taken off the cast?
I don't know if it matters but there is no pain when I don't put weight on the foot, when I just stand flat on the foot, or walk with a "completely flat" foot (no "rolling" of the foot) and I can move the foot (whilst sitting) into all directions / flex it without any pain.. It only seems to hurt when I walk "normally". Also I noticed that it seems to hurt more when I walk barefoot in the flat then when I walk outside with sport shoes.

When the doctor took the cast off, he told me I should contact him again in 1 month if it (still) hurts then.


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