Age: 65, Female, Presenting Problem Since: been getting worse for 6 months or so, Symptom Behaviour: worse, Aggravating Factors:: walikng, Easing Factors:: stoppping walking, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, Medications: thyroxine, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: no
I have never used a forum of any type before, so don't know if I am doing the right thing here.
I have a severe pain in my left calf but, only when walking. It is getting to the stage when I no longer enjoy my walking and my shopping trips end up with me calling my husband to come and get me as I can't walk any further due to the pain. I hate this, as I really enjoy walking and hate asking for help.
I saw a physio last week and she seemed to think that the pain is caused by something at the bottom of my spine which gets squashed closed!! gave me some excercises for back pain but wasn't encouraging that anything would help calf pain. Only if it gets worse and affects the whole of my leg and/or back, then I should see her again.
Doing the excercises every day but, not filled with confidence.
Pain stops as soon as I stop walking ut starts as soon as I take a few more steps. Doesn't affect me indoors or in bed - nothing at all then. Only when walking outdoors. Any suggestions please.
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dear her ladyship
more serious causes need to be ruled out first...such as vascular claudication, as this is a potentially serious possibility i would suggest you go see your gp and get a doppler ultrasound test and perhaps a d dimer blood test done immediately
other possible causes could be muscle cramps which you could get from underactive thyroid issues, calf muscle strain secondary to arthric changes in the anke or knee or hip, radiating pain from the back as suggested by your physiotherapist... , arthritic chyanges in the knee with possibly baker's cyst etc...the list is endless
are you getting any swelling in your legs? is the calf area tender and or hot...? does the pain start after a certain distance? do you get night pain? what happens when you elevate your legs for a long time ?, any change in color....?
does moving your back cause the calf pain? moving your ankle, knee hips...can you reproduce the pain by doing this? about moving your ankle repeatedly?...
your age would suggest multiple causes...
i would suggest going to see your GP to rule out the most serious of the above causes that i have mentioned urgently...
best of luck