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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 34, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 4 weeks, Symptom Behaviour: constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): during day after work, Aggravating Factors:: Working using the right arm, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: Ive had chronic lower back pain for many years/ degerated discs l4/l5,

    A loud snapping in my neck?

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation

    For some years now I've had what I've recently found out to be crepitus in the neck. When I tilt my neck back and rotate it around either way, there is what can only be described as packet of crisps being squashed.

    Im a plasterer by work. 4 weeks ago I was plastering some walls, towards the end of the job you have to put some considerable pressure onto the wall. So Im right handed and I was exerting this pressure and force through my arm hand onto the trowel and then the wall, then all of a sudden my right side of my neck really hurt like maybe a strain or pulled muscle.

    Since this day I now have something that gets trapped and I have to tilt my head to the left to release it. It goes with a loud snap. So to explain - if I tilt my head to the right something must slip behind something else and is then trapped. I then have to tip head to the left upon which I feel a tugging on something, so I pull to the left and it snaps out and is kind of a relief. There is sometimes a pain, like a hot sensations. Sometimes nothing at all. Also this thing is not always trapped.... Sometimes I need to turn my head a couple of time before it traps itself.. (maybe on the computer looking from left to right or something like that)

    When I have a days plastering - thats when there is pain and a dull ache associated with each snap. ALso when Ive done a days graft, (using the right arm) the following few hours the thing always gets caught and snapped. But at the moment because Ive had 3 days of work, I have to really tilt my head to the right to get it caught and there is no pain and its not very loud when it unsnaps.

    So Im thinking exerting all that energy and power down right side is making my neck tense up???
    I also want to say as Ive been a plasterer for 12 years, my right shoulder is dropped in comparison to the left..

    Im GUESSING my left side needs strengthening alot?

    WHats anybody's thoughts?

    Thanks for any help.

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    Re: A loud snapping in my neck?

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot

    Any thoughts any pros out there?

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