About three weeks ago I was in a squatting position. When it was time to stand up, it was one of the most painful things ever. My legs felt like I had just done 1,000 squat thrusts. As the week progressed, the pain went away, however my legs slowly got to the point where they just did not want to work. They did not hurt then, just felt like I had to throw them forward to get them to work. Had Emg done with all normal results. Lab work showed low vit D, on vit d therapy now.I have also started taking a magnesium supplement, all other labs were low, but within normal range. my legs are now "working" again, but the burning/tingling/weakness has returned. When I lay down for a while the sensations will disappear, but upon rising will again return. I have had times where it will start in the morning and almost disappear by the afternoon. It will at times feel as if it is all I can do to remain standing. My job does involve squatting down and lifting heavy boxes on occasion,I feel this can aggravate the situation. My job does involve mostly standing.

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