I have had a problem for about 6 months now, Im currently seeing a physio with Bupa, but after 3 sessions and regularly following the routine they have set, I am not seeing any changes. The injury just came out of the blue, there was no particular moment I can say, oh, it happened this day, or that time, it just slowly came on.
Left side, which is my weaker side.
Im 37 year old male, quite fit as I run alot, lift weights, practice karate(even though I have stopped for the last few months).
The issue is strange, it kind of moves around, but the most noticeable symptoms, are:
1. When bending over at the waist, I get a real aching pain down the back of my upper leg, hamstring area,
2. When I walk uphill or steps, it feels like the hip is weak and it aches a little
3. When sitting down, I get a really sore ache under the left buttock
My GP and Bupa ran through the hip motions to isolate if it could be a hip issue, but as I have movement as expected, this has since been discounted.
I went to see the pilates instructor at my gym yesterday and have a session tomorrow, immediately she suggested "Sciatica", but then seemed a little perplexed and suggested an impingement, I guess she wont know exactly, and the conclusion of the consultant and physio at Bupa are suggesting its related to a weakened gluteals, and I have been given a variety of strengthening exercises to perform.
Ive googled and there obviously is a whole host of things this could be, so self diagnosis has drawn a blank, but Im hoping posting on this forum someone might be able to offer me some advice.
When I bend over with my legs out wide, I do not get any pain in the hamstring, but when standing straight I do.
Usually any injuries I have had, the body over time, sometimes stubbornly, repaired itself, but this problem, just is not going away.
If I could describe the pain in adjectives, I would "achey, sinewy, deep, nervy, bone pain".
Really any help, ideas, advice, absolutely anything would be so well gratefully accepted.
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