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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 41, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 1 month approx, Symptom Behaviour: See posting, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): No - worse after exercise, Aggravating Factors:: Running, Easing Factors:: Not running, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues

    Major problem / Symptomatic Areas

    Calf, Achilles - Posterior - Left

    Extreme Calf Tightness After Running (it winds up like a clock spring, within minutes)

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation

    Subject (me): Male 41 yrs. Avid runner, trains for 5K races. No injuries that have caused cessation of running for around 2 yrs. Averages 50-60m p/week. Mixes up grass, road, track and treadmill.

    Due to Achilles niggle in right leg, I started heel raise programme a few weeks back. However, on 3 occasions in last 6 months, I've managed to injure left calf when running the next day after lifting (there was no problem on the left before - training was due to right being by far the more dominant and powerful leg - its calf is 1cm greater in circumference than left).

    On first 2 times a week off running was all that was needed (the pain came on during running) and I was back to normal after 7 days, no discomfort / tightness.

    A month ago I did the usual lifts, determined to keep minor Achilles issue on right at bay (the theory being that the left needed strengthening a) to minimise assymetry - and b) because the dominance of the right leg is unlikely to help the Achilles (which calms down inside 48 hours' rest btw, but is obviously a worry for the future).

    I noticed prior to a 10-mile run the next day that left calf was tight (it felt slightly tight during run, but didn't stop me). The next morning the calf was tight as hell, so I had 2 days off running. I did 10 miles on grass after 2 days. Again, no issue during run, but tight after. Had next day off, but stupidly did some calf lifts...

    The next day after lifts I went to the track and did some sprinting drills - after around 6 miles of hard working out... Must admit calf was very tight before workout… (I am an idiot, I know)

    Within 10 mins of finishing track workout (which went well) I felt what can only be described as an 'elastic band' tightening up in the calf - it became amazingly tight, rock solid. The next morning walking was painful...

    Walking had discomfort for a week. After another 10 days I could do calf lifts and the calf didn't feel at all tight, so I tried a 40-min treadmill jog...(no running for around 17 days).

    Within 10 mins of finishing treadmill, the same thing occurred... Someone put a key on my left gastrocnemius and wound it up like a clock spring... This was last Thursday. It wasn't as painful as before and I could walk ok, but it was tight and uncomfortable.

    Today I've tried some gentle one-leg heel pumps and it seems on the mend. However, I suspect the same tightness will occur if I run on it.

    I've seen a Sports Doctor (1 weeks ago - an esteemed person, whose name I won't mention). His words were 'it's not compartment syndrome - it's a strain. We can do an ultrasound, but it's a waste of time as treatment will be the same'. He told me to lay off it for 2-3 weeks and come back in 6 weeks for follow up.

    I'm not convinced 'strain' is accurate here. I've had them before (it hasn't hurt during the run, only after - and I've not had numbness etc, so CS is hopefully not an option). I had a complete lay-off for 17 days and a gentle jog on the treadmill brought it right back...

    Chain of events: calf lifts; calf not fully recovered and tight, but I ran on it...hence the issue. If I use an elliptical machine to warm the calf up, the tightness goes away for a few minutes... The issue almost behaves more like a form of tendonitis than muscle strain – you pay after the exercise… Ibuprofen is usually very effective for me, but it's not doing anything here...

    If anyone has any suggestions for what it might be / what can be done to treat it, I’d be really grateful. Current plans as follows:

    2 weeks strengthening and stretching. 1-2 weeks of walking on treadmill, briskly, gradually stepping up gradient. If walking isn’t a problem, then a 30-min jog will be attempted and so on. Am massaging calf twice a day (‘Stick’ and roller).

    Thanks in advance.

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    Re: Extreme Calf Tightness After Running (it winds up like a clock spring, within minutes)

    As you mentioned several times, the pain with running always came after lifting. Rather than try to continue strengthening through the pain, which sounds like it isn't working for you, try relieving the stress on the left achilles/calf by inserting a heel lift in your running shoe s. See if it doesn't relieve some of your discomfort.
    It sounds like you are overstressing your calf muscles with the weights and since running is more on the balls of you r feet, it aggravates it further

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to finchr For This Useful Post:

    Extreme Calf Tightness After Running (it winds up like a clock spring, within minutes)

    Need2Run (06-03-2013)

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    Re: Extreme Calf Tightness After Running (it winds up like a clock spring, within minutes)

    I think (I hope!) that you have pointed out the elephant in the room, Finchr - thank you! On each occasion I've strained the left calf, it's been running the day after performing lifts. It gets tight after doing lifts, and running with a tight calf is a stupid idea, as I've found out.

    Unless anyone's got a better idea (I'm now 3 weeks into the injury) my plan is to start a programme of massaging and gentle stretching, without strength work. Once I've been free of discomfort for a couple of weeks I'll start some brisk walking on a treadmill. If that goes ok I'll go back to easy running. I intend to spend as long getting back into training as I've been out (even though this means the new 5K season will be effectively trashed until late summer :-( ), i.e. if total time out is 8 weeks, I'll spend 8 weeks gently increasing mileage until I'm back to the previous amount.

    Do you think that, because the pain didn't stop me from running, but came on abruptly after finishing a gruelling 7 mile training track session, that there's a good chance I'll make a good recovery? I keep reading about so many runners whose running days have been ended due to calf pulls... I've never had one this bad and it really scares me...

    Thanks again.

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    Re: Extreme Calf Tightness After Running (it winds up like a clock spring, within minutes)

    There is no reason to suspect that you will not recuperate entirely and resume your running. Let it heal and move on to running again

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to finchr For This Useful Post:

    Extreme Calf Tightness After Running (it winds up like a clock spring, within minutes)

    Need2Run (08-03-2013)

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    Re: Extreme Calf Tightness After Running (it winds up like a clock spring, within minutes)

    On both occasions when the calf’s tightened up, it’s been inside 10 minutes of finishing my workout. It hasn’t stopped me from running or given me pain during the workout.

    If the injury were a serious tear, it would’ve come on during the workout, as if something had torn and I’d be unable to run, right? I was sprinting 100m reps as fast as ever minutes before it came on the first time, but the stiffness was within minutes and very severe, to the point of affecting my walk.

    On the other hand, it’s 25 days since the injury first came on and progress is very slow… I can walk perfectly, but get discomfort in the Gastrocnemius when going up and particularly down stairs…

    Using a foam roller seems to have a positive effect, albeit very slight. Should I restrain from stretching until all discomfort is gone? There is what I’d call a ‘discomfort’ rather than pain at this point – but it almost feels more like a nerve-type pain, as opposed to a muscle tear… The strength of the calf seems ok – it’s impact when landing that causes discomfort.

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    Re: Extreme Calf Tightness After Running (it winds up like a clock spring, within minutes)

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    from your description, it sounds exactly like a calf or Achilles problem. There are nerves innervating these structures and when they have small tears, they hurt. Try riding a stationary bike but put your arch on the pedal instead of the balls of your feet. Put a heel lift in both shoes, a small one, and do not try to force the muscle to stretch into healing. Once whatever is healed, it will be right but can be stretched only to the point of tightness. Hold it 60 seconds and don't bounce on it. Forcing it to overwork or stretching it to the max while it is healing will be counterproductive.
    Think about it...if you sprain your wrist do you continue to bend it backwards or place heavy loads on it. You will be OK unless you snap your Achilles. With time you would known this, trust me. I played competitive volleyball and I did.

    Go online and look up Achilles strains rehabilitation. There is a lot of good info on university sites, or at least there are here and I would have no reason to believe there aren't in the UK. We all have access to the same knowledge base.

    Don't overthink it, take it easy, don't aggravate it, and work on your upper body and trunk. Most likely you will be ok

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