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  1. #1
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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 20, Male, Presenting Problem Since: A year and some months, Symptom Behaviour: constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): night and during the day, Aggravating Factors:: I think it's excessive work and bad posture, Easing Factors:: A lot of treatments, Investigations: I did an x-ray, ultrasound , electromyogram, MRI ...Can't provide summary atm doctor has it, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues

    Major problem / Symptomatic Areas

    Shoulder - Posterior - Left

    Shoulder - Posterior - Right

    Shoulder - Anterior - Left

    Shoulder - Anterior - Right

    Upper Arm, Triceps - Posterior - Left

    Upper Arm, Triceps - Posterior - Right

    Upper Arm, Biceps - Anterior - Left

    Upper Arm, Biceps - Anterior - Right

    Elbow, Forearm - Posterior - Left

    Elbow, Forearm - Posterior - Right

    Elbow, Forearm - Anterior - Left

    Elbow, Forearm - Anterior - Right

    Wrist, Hand - Posterior - Left

    Wrist, Hand - Posterior - Right

    Wrist, Hand - Anterior - Left

    Wrist, Hand - Anterior - Right

    Question Suggestions for Epicondylitis, anyone?

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Why this thread:
    Because i'm looking for suggestions to solve my problem, where to research what to do, basically anything you can say that's worthwhile, I will really really appreciate it!

    A little about me:

    I'm Diogo i'm a student from ISCTE university, i study computer engeneering and i'm suferring from a lot of pain that comes from my elbows, hands and shoulder.Because of that pain i found out i have hipermobility which is connected, i think, with the Ehlars Danlos Condition, I'm currently just focusing on getting better and passing the course.

    More information about my medical case here: http://www.patientslikeme.com/patients/view/bokocrew. (all treatments i've made, all the necessary info the most organized i could do it)

    Ehlars Danlos type graphic.

    Hypermobility my type (above)

    My Doctor:Rui Miguel - Portugal | LinkedIn

    My clinics:

    Hospitals i've been in:

    Next planned stuff:

    • 18/11 consult with my doctor.

    Current goals:

    • Finding more solutions to my conditions: (most likely first descending order)

    1. Osteopath
    2. eccentric exercise
    3. Try to see if arcoxia is really effective. (By taking one day not the other and comparing results, tried lyrica and noticed it helped in the pain)
    4. Occupational therapy
    5. Homeopathy
    6. Reiki my mother's suggestion
    7. try ibuprofen out... maybe
    8. ant-inflammatory diet
    9. Start again? heat or coldtreatments
    10. Different types of acupuncture
    11. Research eletrólise percutânea intratecidular (jose manuel sanchez)
    12. corticosteroid injections
    13. Progressive resistance exercises may confer modest intermediate-term results.
    14. iontophoresis,nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
    15. acetaminophen
    16. Topical Nitrate - Animal studies suggest that nitric oxide stimulates collagen synthesis by wound fibroblasts and, therefore, may play a role in healing extensor tendons.
    17. short-term oral NSAIDs
    18. inelastic,nonarticular, proximal forearm strap (tennis elbow brace) (figure this out)
    19. botulinum toxin type A injection (Botox);
    20. LAST OF ALL,surgery.

    Tennis Elbow Treatments/Remedies: Ice, Rest, & More
    Treatment of Lateral Epicondylitis - American Family Physician
    "Extracorporeal shock wave therapy, laser treatment, and electromagnetic field therapy do not appear to be effective." really? -.-

    Where can i research, databases:

    Databases offering online access to medical evidence | The Cochrane Collaboration
    Research Databases
    Medical Databases for the Health Care Industry | EBSCO

    All Suggestions Are Appreciated, send me a comment or message


    ps.: to the mods sorry for the disorganization i didn't see the patients corner :P

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    Re: Suggestions for Epicondylitis, anyone?

    Hi Diogo.

    I haven't read everything, its quite a lot! However taking into account what you study and your symptoms I think this would be neck related, if not specifically the cervical spine it could be related to the cervical or brachial plexus and nerves that innervate your arm. I doubt you have bilateral medial and latral epicondylitis unless you are some sort of extreme tennis and golf playing professional. If you are,you need a full time physio!

    It sounds as if you spend a lot of time at a computer and like you say, might have bad posture. All this time spent in a kyphotic, forward head, forward shoulder postures going to affect the function of the muscles around your neck, chest, shoulders as well as the cervical spine itself which may refer pain to the arms. I also don't think being hypermobile is the ultimate cause, plenty of people are hypermobile and don't have your symptoms.

    Basically I would go and see whoever you can and get your neck cleared of any wrong doing before you go for any more complicated treatment options. Maybe even some basic postural exercises such as imagining you have a helium balloon attached to the back of your head all day which can lengthen your spine and naturally draw back your shoulders.

    And why cannabis is even anywhere near this, I have no idea.

    If you find any treatments are successful like your mother suggests reiki, let us know!

    All the best with it.


  3. #3
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    Re: Suggestions for Epicondylitis, anyone?

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    SOrry for the delay on the reply.
    It's quite a lot i know i've just gathered and organized this much information because i felt desperate of a solution since my physio doctor made everything on his reach but with minor improvements.

    You find it odd having medial epicondylitis and lateral but let me explain , actually through the MRI i was detected with inflammation on the shoulder and elbow , the ultrasonography detected inflammation on the wrists if i recall correctly, there can be inflammation but the degree of the inflammation is what matters, if there is inflammation i think it's still worth mentioning that's why i've put it here since i still feel it, even though i know it's more inflamed on the elbow on the medial epicondylitis area that is where the pain persists the most i think the rest it's still worth mentioning and yes i had physiotherapy everyday i only stopped since it didn't seem to help as the pain is still here.

    On regards of your suggestion i haven't made any image analysis on the neck only on the cervical spine, the MRI on the cervical spine detected nothing so your suggest seems valid I'll mention it when i go to the reumatologist,thanks!

    It wasn't only because of hypermobility i said "Because of that pain i found out i have hipermobility", but you can't deny that hypermobiliy helped the problem persist in junction with bad posture and many time doing the same thing (typing) that caused the inflammation, which i couldn't help to avoid because it's my area and it was required for university.

    The posture is really corrected now but what keeps the problem is typing, thanks for advice though.

    And you make me doubt of your expertise when you are in favor of reiki which no well made study approves efficiency of that treatment and you don't see a use in cannabis which is already used around the world as a treatment.
    In my case i use Cannabis when i have trouble sleeping that's when the pain is big, i normally use a pill with lot's of plants which are good for sleeping like chamomile,valerian etc. in juntion with gaba and melatonin but since melatonin has no long term studies i try to change one treatment with another so the side effects aren't as bad.

    Best Regards

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