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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 23, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 1 Year, Symptom Behaviour: Very Slowly Improving, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Morning, Aggravating Factors:: Sitting - Bending over- Straight leg bends, Easing Factors:: Stretches - laying down - Drugs :P, Investigations: MRI Report Attached, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues

    Major problem / Symptomatic Areas

    Lumbar, Spine - Posterior

    Hip, Gluteals - Posterior - Left

    Thigh, Hamstrings - Posterior - Left

    Knee - Posterior - Left

    Calf, Achilles - Posterior - Left

    Angry L5- S1 Small protusion - Help

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation

    I'm going to apologise now for this long message, but hopefully more information might be helpful.

    In February 2013 I had a snowboarding accident. I got back to the pub après-ski and the pain in my lower back was excruciating. Standing wasn’t as bad, but going from sitting to standing and vice versa was extremely painful and stiff. I took some paracetmol and continued to board for the rest of the holiday (2 days); pain didn’t get worse but didn’t get better.

    I got back from the holiday and took a few days off work – I read online that back pain can correct itself in around 12 weeks so I didn’t seek any attention for 8/9 weeks – there was slight improvement but nothing significant. I went to the doctor who referred me to the NHS Physio. This was in May 2013. I went a few times and she just basically went through some excercises.

    A piriformis exercise – bring left leg up pull knee to opposite shoulder and hold ankle
    Prone - superman type thing

    A couple of other exercises which I have forgotten; these helped quite a lot – with the NHS apparently you only get 5 sessions then they refer you. I went on holiday in July 2013 and did a lot of swimming. The day before I got home, I had a massive set back. I started getting pains down my left leg when I walked and was extremely painful to sit and stand again. It was worse than it was originally.
    I got referred to a ‘clinical assessor’, but the appointment wasn’t until the end of September. So I went to a private chiropractor. I saw her for 4/5 months until it was costing me a fortune for very little benefit. The pain in my leg was not going away.
    I must clarify that my pain in my leg at this point was not as bad as before. It only occurs when I try to bend over straight legged – if I’m doing straight leg lifts, I get my foot about a foot off the ground and then I get a pain along the left side of my hamstring until just below my knee. This isn’t a problem as I maintain a straight back as often as I can. I don’t have many issues sleeping, I’m used to it.

    I then had an MRI scan in January 2014. This came back and you can find attached the report from the scan – haven’t got a copy of the pictures.

    The clinical assessor basically said it’s up to me what I do. I can’t have any more physio since I’ve had my ‘NHS Allowance’ – EVEN IF IT WOULD FIX THE PROBLEM - which I find highly ridiculous. She said she can refer me to a surgeon.

    I personally don’t want to have surgery. I’m too young to even contemplate it and I’d rather deal with the pain than be cut open.

    Is this a bad injury or is it fixable? I understand it’ll take time – is there any particularly good things I should look into? I tried Piriformis stretches last night but my ‘nerve’ pains are quite bad immediately after – not sure if this could be because I’ve stretched and they’re in pain. But yesterday my back wasn’t that bad.

    I was a very healthy person prior this is accident. Gym 3 times a week, boxing once a week , a 3 mile run a week. Very clean diet. Since this injury I haven’t been able to do any of these. It’s really depressing.
    MRI Report.jpg

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    Re: L5- S1 Small protusion - Help

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Don't be disheartened, I'm sure you'll get over this pain. Start with some basic exercises like partial crunches and hamstring stretches instead of performing hard core exercise.


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