Age: 66, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 3 weeks, Symptom Behaviour: constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): during the day, Aggravating Factors:: standing and walking, Easing Factors:: rest and electrotherapy (TENS) unit gives temporary relief, Investigations: chondrocalcinosis confirmed, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: no
Major problem / Symptomatic Areas
Knee - Anterior - Left
I have been diagnosed with chondrocalcinosis of the knee. A search of the literature seems to yield only one study which offered some hope of improvement of the condition. A study using a pulsed ultrasound showed some improvement in the condition after 6 weeks and a more definite improvement resulting in a marked decrease in calcium crystal deposits after 6 months. Does anyone have any experience using this treatment modality, or any other treatment that you might have found successful?
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