I have been suffering from hip pain for the last 6 years. I finally got some MRI results last week that said "illiopsoas bursitis" and "gluteal medius tendinosis".
I used to run and suspect that nursing an Achilles injury for years has caused this.
How would you treat? My thoughts are:
1, illiopsoas bursitis - just light stretching?
2, gluteal medius tendinosis - eccentrics, stretching, cross friction massage and ice.
For eccentric I was thinking of doing monster walks, with a theraband, using the good leg to load, then slowly adducting the effected side?
Exercise, should I be doing anything or resting completely? At what stage could I cycle and hillwalk?
Thoughts? Anything else I could be doing?
Should I be doing concentric work as well? Or just eccentric?
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