My left wrist has been popping and grinding when I move it. When I extend my fingers of my left had and move y wrist, the popping sound and grinding sensation become more intense. Throughout the day, moving the wrist becomes more painful; to the point where I need o put a brace on it. This has been going on for about 6 months
In my right forearm, the tendons of the anterior side have been aching off and on for about a month. The pain occurs mostly across the very middle of my forearm. half way between the wrist and elbow. Yesterday from 2:00 to 5:00, I went bowling and the pain began after about 3 frames. I bowled 3 games(knowing I should not have) and today, the pain has been much worse than it has ever been.
>The pain mostly occurs when I extend my arm out it the palm facing up. If I over extend my arm, the pain increases.
>When my arm is fully extended with the palm facing up, a I bend my wrist backwards (extending my tendon more) the pain is even worse.
>Opening and closing my hand causes a large amount of pain in my tendons; whether my am is extended or not. the pain increases when I do this if I over extend my fingers.
Icing the wrist helps some, but it doesn't help my forearm in the least bit.
I do a lot of drawing, sculpting, and lately (for school) typing.
my wrist does not feel like any of the said symptoms of Carpal tunnel. and the forearm doesn't seem to bee tendonitis.
I am getting worried about this, 'cause the pain hasn't been his bad for a long time.
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