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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 17, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 6 or so months, Symptom Behaviour: Worse/Constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Night/During the day. (after extended use), Aggravating Factors:: Using said wrist/arm, or straining. (quick movements also make it worse), Easing Factors:: so far nothing for either., No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss

    Major problem / Symptomatic Areas

    Elbow, Forearm - Anterior - Right

    Wrist, Hand - Posterior - Left

    Wrist, Hand - Anterior - Left

    Exclamation Forearm Tendon Pain when wrist moves. wrist grinding and popping.

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    My left wrist has been popping and grinding when I move it. When I extend my fingers of my left had and move y wrist, the popping sound and grinding sensation become more intense. Throughout the day, moving the wrist becomes more painful; to the point where I need o put a brace on it. This has been going on for about 6 months

    In my right forearm, the tendons of the anterior side have been aching off and on for about a month. The pain occurs mostly across the very middle of my forearm. half way between the wrist and elbow. Yesterday from 2:00 to 5:00, I went bowling and the pain began after about 3 frames. I bowled 3 games(knowing I should not have) and today, the pain has been much worse than it has ever been.
    >The pain mostly occurs when I extend my arm out it the palm facing up. If I over extend my arm, the pain increases.
    >When my arm is fully extended with the palm facing up, a I bend my wrist backwards (extending my tendon more) the pain is even worse.
    >Opening and closing my hand causes a large amount of pain in my tendons; whether my am is extended or not. the pain increases when I do this if I over extend my fingers.

    Icing the wrist helps some, but it doesn't help my forearm in the least bit.

    I do a lot of drawing, sculpting, and lately (for school) typing.
    my wrist does not feel like any of the said symptoms of Carpal tunnel. and the forearm doesn't seem to bee tendonitis.
    I am getting worried about this, 'cause the pain hasn't been his bad for a long time.

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    Re: Forearm Tendon Pain when wrist moves. wrist grinding and popping.

    I am very sorry to hear of the pain you are experiencing. It's good that you are icing your wrist, but your right forearm, try putting a cold compress on your elbow. Symptoms of carpal tunnel tend to vary from person to person, and even if it isn't carpal tunnel you are suffering from, I definitely think there is some inflamed tendons in your wrist. For your forearm, it is possible there is an issue with your elbow. All of the tendons run through your elbow down to your wrist.

    The carpal tunnel is the narrow rigid tunnel on the palm side of your wrist that houses 9 flexor tendons (bend the fingers and thumb) and one median nerve (controls feeling in thumb and all fingers but the pinky) and is covered by a strong band of connective tissue called the transverse carpal ligament . Anything that makes this tunnel smaller and the tendons underneath irritated and inflamed (i.e. Repetitive hand movements, diabetes, obesity, etc.) puts pressure on the median nerve, which in turn can produce tingling, numbness, hand weakness and pain.

    I would recommend continuing to put a cold compress on your wrist, and start on your elbow as well. This will reduce the inflammation and will help with the pain. Look into the wrist BFST wrap. It promotes blood flow which in turn heals damaged tendons (any soft tissue) and adds elasticity and lubrication to the wrists. Read about the elbow as well. I hope this has helped.

    Carpal Tunnel Treatment by King Brand

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    Re: Forearm Tendon Pain when wrist moves. wrist grinding and popping.

    Does sound like carpal tunnel. However from the sounds of it the flexor muscles and ligaments seem to be involved.

    you havnt said much about any tingling/ numbness - do you experience any

    More Lilkerly is carpal joint aggravation possibility even a carpal bone fracture if there was a fall onto wrist at any point I would have this checked ASAP.

    CPPD can a also effect this joint on a single side but if you bowel a lot it is more likely to be mechanical cause.

    The scaphoid can offer significant complications if not identified quickly.

    I would recommend a compression bandage (tubigrip) for the forearm in the mean time.

    The wrist needs to be investigated quickly to be sure.

    I would recommend ultrasound therapy and carpal manipulation to stop grinding (assuming fractures are ruled out)
    Hope this helps

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    Re: Forearm Tendon Pain when wrist moves. wrist grinding and popping.

    It totally does NOT scream carpal tunnel syndrome to me.

    I think they maybe bough on by your art related activities. Technical stuff + stress = excessive tension --> joints and muscle dysfunction??

    Left hand: I would suggest you to research on "alexander technique" application to "pain problems".
    I'm thinking maybe there is excessive tension in the wrist flexor & extensor muscles when you are using your hand, causing unnecessary force through your wrist. A simple way I could think of: keep left hand totally relaxed and move it with your right hand alone in the same way you described that usually cause your grinding/popping symptom. If there is no/minimal symptom when the movement is performed passively by right hand, then my assumption is correct. However, it doesn't mean there is absolutely nothing wrong with the wrist joint and tendons, just that they could be secondary symptom caused by muscle imbalance, (or could have some unusual/ serious problem underneath which need further investigation, but don't worry too much just yet).

    Right hand: It sounds like tendon problem, but pain is not reliable. What you feel may not be what its actually happening. You should get it checked out by orthopaedic Dr, and physiotherapist. They are most capable at dealing with pain problems. In my opinion, you should get it checked out, make sure there isn't any radioulnar joint ( within forearm) problem, or any other serious causes. Once that's done, physiotherapist can work on the tendons with you.
    Treatment will be divided into three parts:
    1) Relieve inflammation ( Ultrasound, Ice)
    2) Reduce tightness (Stretching)
    3) Increase elasticity/loading capacity of tendons (Eccentric loading exercise, with weight)
    The most important thing is to learn when to increase weight for the exercise. Progress too early will set you back big time, or even worse than before. You really need hands on session with you therapist to work out a safe loading weight to use.

    Don't forget to mention your Left hand problem to your therapist while you're at it.
    From what I know, "alexander technique" is not part of physio training, and its not common either. So don't be surprised if they haven't heard of it. You'll have more luck searching for videos in youtube. Once you understand the core concepts, you can apply it as many way as you could imagine. Its really very good, a life long skill.

    All the best!

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    Re: Forearm Tendon Pain when wrist moves. wrist grinding and popping.

    Yeah, I was definitely thinking carpal tunnel at first as well... inflammation in the wrist and forearms. Great info in the two prior comments/posts.

    "Be water, my friends." -Bruce Lee

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    Re: Forearm Tendon Pain when wrist moves. wrist grinding and popping.

    Kcho, really informative post.

    Lewis Pain

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    Re: Forearm Tendon Pain when wrist moves. wrist grinding and popping.

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    I've been researching my symptoms online and I came across this site and I feel compelled to write in the hopes of getting more input to help make up the decision for carpal tunnel surgery. Three 1/2 months ago I went off work on disability leave (Stress) but I also had slight pain in my right and left wrist, which I thought may be the start of carpal tunnel. My right wrist only hurt for about three days. My left about a week of so. After being off work for about a week my wrists got better. Than I injured my right side of my body. For two days, I could hardly move my whole right arm, from my shoulder to my fingers. Most the pain went away except now my wrist would pop out of place. I would have to pop it back into place. It hurts after popping so many times. My primary doctor sent me to an orthopedic doctor and a neurologist. He said it was tendonitis. I had my right wrist in a splint for two months until the orthopedic doctor told me to stop wearing it. The neurologist said it was negative for carpal tunnel with nerve issue at my right side of neck only(I think thats just my scoliosis). The orthopedic doctor gave me an MRI. Findings normal except ganglion cyst at distal part of scaphoid 7mm (can't see from visible eye). I read alot about it and thought maybe that was in the way and why my bone would not stay in place but nothing I read online said anything about cyst causing popping. Then my forearm started popping. Now I'm just so confused because the new ortho doctor I got said it's carpal tunnel but he couldn't explain about the popping and wouldn't you know it, everytime I'm at the doctor's office my wrist and forearm doesn't pop but they pop all the other times! My forearm pop hurts the worse (a harder pop like my muscles popped or something). I just have a feeling the popping is from tendons and that I may have slight carpal tunnel but surgery won't relieve the popping.
    Any information on the matter would be so so appreciated.


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