Age: 30, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 15 months, Symptom Behaviour: better, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Morning, stiffness and pain, Aggravating Factors:: everything, Easing Factors:: Oxycodone, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, Medications: Gabopentin, Oxycodone, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, Other Info: I was broken to pieces.
Major problem / Symptomatic Areas
Lumbar, Spine - Posterior
Hip, Groin, Pelvis - Anterior - Left
Thigh, Quadriceps - Anterior - Left
Thigh, Quadriceps - Anterior - Right
Calf, Achilles - Posterior - Left
Calf, Achilles - Posterior - Right
Foot - Posterior - Left
my name is Andy and I'm curious if HGH Can be prescribed by my doctor in England.
15 months ago while at work my parachute failed at low altitude slamming me into the ground at a high rate of speed. If anyone is interested you can see the destruction here
anyway I broke my L4, my right femur and compound fractured my left tib/fib also severing an artery. The broken back has numbed my down my left leg down to my knee and I get lots of numb pain if that makes sense which I take gabopentin for. Because my femur plate broke I had more and more surgery meaning I haven't done any physio and I start next week. My legs are a sorry sight to see with the atrophy and I'm hoping I can get off the oxy as soon as physio starts and my muscles get stronger. Because laying down or being In a wheelchair for 15 months is hurting me badly. Now I have been up on crutches for 2 days I feel like I've ran a marathon and I am so so very excited to get professional help soon.
my question is would HGH benefit me during this task? I have nothing left in my legs and back and I also read it can help with bone density. I confess I don't even know what it's prescribed for as I only based my search results on physio.
my left leg is now over 2 inches shorter now and I'm terrified of the back pain that is coming my way just from walking. The doctor says he can lengthen it but I'm not sure I can take another surgery and 6 month to a year recovery. I'm emotionally exhausted and physically spent from this ordeal.
I know either way I will get the help I need but if HGH beneficial I would like to try it. I just want to get back to work in the aviation business, even if I never jump again I need to be around it.
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