Over a year ago I was diagnosed with a sacroiliac joint sprain and sought treatment from a few different physios as well as massage therapy, chiropractors, and acupuncture. None solved the problem and even though my SI joint feels fine now my QL feels VERY tight almost all the time, especially when I am standing. I also feel tightness near the top of my right glute that seems to connect to my lower back. One thing that did seem to work was doing regular hatha yoga and I actually felt much better after a couple months doing it, however I ran after that and it seemed to bring back that tightness and now I can't seem to shake it. I try stretching everything and so far nothing.
Also, for the last month when I wake up in the morning my upper/mid back is very sore. I sleep in a firm mattress (used to have soft but changed recently) and try to sleep on my back or side.
I heard I need to strengthen my glutes but I have tried a bit in physio therapy and it didn't seem to do much, however my hams still cramp when I try to bridge so it seems perhaps my glutes are still weak? Also I would like to start bicycling again, do you think this would help or hurt me? Running definitely hurts.
Thanks (sorry for long post)
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