Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 30, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 2 months, Symptom Behaviour: Worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Worse at night, Aggravating Factors:: Stretching IT band/glutes in lying position, sitting with legs to side or crossed, Easing Factors:: Medication, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, Medications: Tylenol, muscle relaxants, Advil - not daily, just as needed, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: Ehlers danlos hypermobility type
Puzzling knee pain

I've been experiencing pain in my left knee. It doesn't hurt much (a small twinge) when I walk or go up/down stairs. It hurts a lot though when I put it in different positions (such as sitting cross-legged or legs to the side when I play with my toddler, and when I try to stretch my glutes/IT band lying on my back). The pain is sharp but I also feel a burning sensation. It's a real nuisance as it hurts to bathe/play with my daughter. It only started in May, prior I had no issue with my knee. I work out daily (mostly recumbent bike and elliptical) and I always stretch afterwards. I have some complex issues going on with my neck and right shoulder due to hypermobility (ehlers danlos syndrome) and a chiari malformation, so I cannot sleep on my back or right side, I can only sleep on the left side to avoid terrible neck pain and right shoulder subluxation. I suspect my sleeping position has something to do with my knee pain as my whole left leg and hip get very sore and tight from this way of sleeping. I have a wonderful physiotherapist who has been working really hard to help with my neck/shoulder issues and now she's trying to figure out the source of my knee pain. She thinks it may be the sciatic nerve but she's not sure because she's never seen this type of presentation. She says she's puzzled by the source of the pain. I didn't have any injuries but because of ehlers danlos I seem to hurt myself very very easily and I have all sorts of bizarre issues because of it. My left knee is very hypermobile. I wear orthotics daily - my feet are very flat. The orthotics (started wearing ten years ago and get a new set made yearly) helped with previous knee and foot pain (bilateral). I thought I'd ask on here to see if anyone has suggestions to the cause of the pain. I want to fix this so badly because it makes taking care of my daughter challenging, and my neck and shoulder problems are already a huge hassle. My Physio has been trying to help loosen the tight muscles in my left leg/hip but it's not helping the issue. Any help/suggestions appreciated.
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