Here are the details from the specialist after the MRI, i'm waiting on the imaging:


There is a partial tear of the fibular collateral ligament and distal fibres of the biceps femoris tendon. The appearances are in keeping with a grade 2 sprain.
No bnormality of the popliteus tendon.
No abnormality of the distal iliotibial tract.
The anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments are normal as is the medial collateral ligament.
Both menisci are normal with no evidence of a meniscal tear.
The hyaline cartilage in the medial and lateral tibiofemoral joint compartments is preserved.
There is grade 2 chondromalcia patella. The patella is normally alligned.
A very small joint effusion is present.

1: Grade 2 sprain of the fibular collateral ligament and conjoined tendon as described.
2: No meniscal tear.
3: Grade 2 chondromalcia patellae.