Hi there, I've just stumbled upon this forum and I'm desperate for some advice.

I'm 29 and when I was 24 (almost 5 years ago to the day actually) I injured my right groin playing football. At the time I was used to general aches and pains after playing but rarely got injured so I thought nothing of it and decided to play several days later...and then the next week and so on. This happened for about 3 weeks before it was getting to the point where I couldn't walk at the end due to the pain.

So I thought that I should leave it and rest and I didn't play again for about 6 weeks but still kept feeling pain. I eventually tried to make another comeback in the October (2011) before realising that something serious was wrong. Now, 4 and a half years on and I still haven't played. It's still causing me issues and my feelings have ranged from frustration to anger to apathy and general acceptance that not only will I never play again but that this is a deeper problem that could seriously affect me in later life.

During this 4 and a half year period I've been given the diagnosis that I have osteitis pubis following an x-ray. I've had 3 bouts of physiotherapy, 2 private and 1 NHS. I've been given conflicting information and guidance by them all. As well as paying out the money for private physiotherapy (not easy for a student) I've spent money on exercise equipment for home use as well as percussion and ultrasound massagers. None of which seem to have an effect and I can't afford to keep throwing money at the problem.

I go to the gym now and can run on the treadmill for 30/35 minutes without problem. I even kicked a ball about in a game of footgolf the other week with no real issue. So running in a straight line isn't an issue, it's turning and twisting and putting my body in awkward positions (that I'd need to be able to do for football) that cause me the problems. Any advice on anything I can do to strengthen this area would be appreciated.

The exercises I have been given to do at home are:

Exercise ball:
Side leg raises (both sides)
Core climbers (both sides)
Leg raises for glutes

Resistance band:
side leg raises with band around ankles (both sides)
side knee raises (both sides)
I've also been asked to tie a knot in the band and place it under a door, then with the other end tie it around my ankle and kick out using it.

Pilates ring:
Whilst squeezing it in between my legs...20 jumps.
20 sit-ups
30 squats

Sorry for the long message. I'm just about at the end of my tether now with it.

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