
I've had a problem with my groin/outter hip for the past 7 months now.
Any time I try to squat down I get a sharp "pull" feeling in my groin and it restricts me from squatting any lower, only on my right side.
The outter hip area on that side also feels like it's pulling.

I have noticed that my glute on the other side seems quite weak. I have a feeling that I was performing deadlifts incorrectly and my right side was possibly doing all the work.
However, if my right glute was overactive and left underactive, wouldn't that cause the pain to my in my left side and not the right?

My mind to muscle connection with my glute is definitely very weak on the left side, but I can easily activate my right side.

I've had a total of 5 physio appointments with two different physios.
They just keep telling me different things every time. First time it was due to a hip being out of place, then it was due to a tight quad, then it was due to tight ASIS? - all on the right side. Basically it hasn't seemed to be any of those things.

I have noticed that massaging my right side TFL seems to help for a while, then it goes back to normal.

Any help greatly appreciated!

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