Hello! My name is Vanessa, I'm 27 years-old. English is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes!
Last year, I started using pointe shoes in ballet classes. After seven months, I began feeling pain under the feet, specially under the sesamoids and plantar fascia. This year, I stopped dancing for two months, and since the pain didn't go away I looked for medical help. I was diagnosed with Morton's neuroma in the left foot and hallux synovitis in both feet (the x-ray didn't show any joint alteration). I took curcumin pills and started physiotherapy, with ultrasound, TENS machine and strength exercises. The neuroma quickly respond to the curcumin, but after two months it comes back now and then, specially in cold days.
About the hallux pain...after 20 sessions of ineffective physiotherapy, I changed my shoes to more comfortable ones. Since then, some days I feel less pain on the hallux but I feel pain in the fascia muscles, and for a week I'm feeling a lot of pain in Flexor digitorum longus.
Am I on the right track? The pain in fascia and other foot/ankle muscles means that I am getting better and the muscles are adapting? Should I change the strength exercises? Should I look for another treatment options?
I'm going to the 30th session of physiotherapy and feeling really frustrated about the treatment, sometimes it feels things are getting worse instead of getting better. I used to be very active, dance and walk a lot, and being so inactive and limited makes me feel quite depressed.

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