Age: 41, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 7 months, Symptom Behaviour: constant, Aggravating Factors:: Additional Exercise, Easing Factors:: Cold massaging, Investigations: X- Rays and surgery note by surgeon, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: N/A
Problem in knee mobilization and full range of motion due to femur fractures
Hello, I met with a car accident on 11/12/2017 i.e. nearly 7 and half months back. My right leg was hit on back portion of driver seat and my femur bone fractured at 2 place and i had minor fracture near knee, But ligaments are safe. Knee cap is safe. Surgery was performed by surgeon and implants done with nailing.
I started light physio after a month from date of surgery (As per Doctor's advice ) Since then i am doing regular physiotherapy exercise like, CPM , quadriceps, Hamstring, Leg Extension,Knee Mobilization , etc and to date knee bending is about 75-80 degree. I have inflammation/ swelling near knee area. There was delayed union in bone but now it's almost ok.
Knee, thigh mid portion and hip area is painful. I am not able to bend my knee and get full range of motion . X- rays after accident and post surgery are attached herewith. Kindly suggest solution to get complete knee bending and Full ROM.